Chapter 18: Married

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A/n: I was nervous writing this. I tried to make this the best I could... Possible trigger warnings for mature content.

3rd Person POV

Today's the day. The day! Today, Catherine and Caleb are finally getting married, officially paired for life, this is it! Caleb was jittery and shaking like the earthquakes. But... the one thing he hated about Tradition: He couldn't see Catherine all day! It was considered bad luck, and he was not willing to jinx it.

Caleb had gotten on his beige colored suit on top of a white collared shirt. The one with the fluff of course because that's common around here, just like back home. He had his black pants that ran to the knees and high rising socks. Black dress shoes accompanied it and a Lunaris Flower in his coat pocket instead of a rose to complete the look.

Caleb cut his hair that morning back to its original length and shaved the stubble -finally- to Catherine's request. He wasn't exactly a big fan of it either but he'd just grown lazy over the time passed. 

Catherine was also happy she was finally becoming a married woman. She remembered all those stories of the princesses riding off into the sun with their princes finally married, beautiful gowns, crowns and jewelry. Love was in the air, you could almost taste it! She dreamed of this since she was a little girl and now it was finally a beautiful reality.

A cream colored gown fit for a queen. Puffed out sleeves and a grand skirt flowed from the cinched waist. Around the bossom rested jewels in a flower-like pattern in colors of yellows and greens with hints of pink.

Silvia did her daughter's hair into a fancy bun on the lower part of her head, making room for the Lunaris Flower crown that rested on her head. The flower that connected the couple for life. That gift she made for Caleb. That flower he placed in her hair that night at the festival. The flower that made her realize she loved the Human Realm man.

Silvia had finally let down her hair after all these years. Normally wearing a bun hairstyle, she let her hair down with plenty of plumped up curls. Andrew on the other hand finally tried to braid his hair to make his style more cleaned up than that old ponytail he always had. He failed so his wife had to help him.

Eventually everyone was all ready. Caleb and Silvia headed to the place we were to be married first that way Catherine wouldn't see him to keep up his tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony.

Catherine's father came with her because that was tradition of both families to have the father/other parent walk the child -usually a woman- down the aisle and let them go with their partner.

Neither could believe they were about to be married! They just couldn't, Catherine was trying to hold in the tears until after so she wouldn't ruin her mother's glamor.


Caleb and Catherine had finished their vows. Their palismen friends flew down the aisle with the rings. Flapjack handed Caleb Catherine's gold wedding band, while Opal handed Catherine Caleb's gold wedding band. They slipped on each other's rings and the officiator made the everlasting oath spell around Catherine and Caleb's bound hands.

"Do you, Catherine Clawthorne, take the here present: Caleb Wittebane as your lawfully wedded husband? And you do swear to stay with him, love and honor him through good and bad, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The officiator asked.

"I do," Catherine smiled through her glossy eyes.

"And do you, Caleb Wittebane, take the here present: Catherine Clawthorne as your lawfully wedded wife? And you do swear to stay with her, love and honor her through good and bad, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

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