Chapter 4: Catherine's Wisdom

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A/n: Edited After a long-ass while... thank you senior year!

Caleb's POV

Today wasn't as eventful as some days before. Philip went to go out exploring the Isles on his own, so I went out to the Library to find some good books to read. Maybe read up more on this place? I wanted to spend some time by myself for a little bit, but a special someone interrupted for a little chat.

I sat on the couch with a blue bound book I had found at the library, Flapjack perched behind me looking over my shoulders. Out of the corner of my eye someone walks by, but I continue reading thinking it's Mrs. Clawthorne. Suddenly, it's extra quiet.

"Ahem," Someone clears their throat. I jump up from my book to see Catherine sitting on the arm of the couch, leaning towards me and her Dove friend perched next to Flapjack.

"Oh, hello Catherine. How was your day?" I asked politely, hand over my racing heart.

"Good. It's good, thanks for asking. What about yours?" She asked.

"Good as well. Thank you," I replied.

"Where's your Brother?" Catherine wondered.

"He went downtown," I said.

"And you didn't accompany him?" Catherine inquired.

"While I love my Brother, I need some time away from him one time or another," I admitted. "He can be strenuous to say the least."

I continue reading until Catherine speaks up again, a sorrowful tone lacing it. "I think he dislikes me."

"Do not take it too personally. Philip has a rough shell and it takes time for him to open up." I responded. "He dislikes everyone at first, at least nowadays."

Catherine gets up from the arms of the couch and finally takes a seat beside me. "Say Caleb, where exactly were you from again?"

I straightened up in a panic. Obviously I can't tell her I'm from another world with a mission to kill her and everyone here. I'm not usually one for lying, but it was the one way to keep us both safe, so I did. "Uh-oh-uhm, The other side of the world? Yes, and we wanted to see what awaits here on this side!"

"Forgive me. I'm just asking out of curiosity, your ears are so different," Catherine noticed.

"Oh yes, Ears? Different! Yours are pointy. Mine are round. That is -uh- true. Yes," I stuttered.

"And you're witches too?" Catherine asked.

"Of course, what else should we be?" I said. 

"It's a genetical issue, inherited from our parents," I stated. I finally relaxed cause she seemed to believe my lies.

"Oh, is that the reason for the lack of magical powers too?"

"Aren't we just unfortunate with our genetics," I joked with shrugged shoulders.

Catherine suddenly had a cheeky grin on her face, resting her cheek on his closed palm. "Hmm. Other than those two issues, however, you are more than fortunate with your genetics."

"How many hearts have you broken yet, Caleb?" What a weird change in subject?

"What? None!" I exclaim. "I'm telling the truth! I have never-" And then the realization hit me.

"Wait are you... trying to compliment me in a very oddly phrased manner?"

She winked at me and I felt my face heat up. I became flustered and turned to hide my cherry-red face.

"Caleb? Are you alright? Are you warm? Your face is very red!"

"Perfect! I'm perfectly fine!" She thinks I'm handsome, AHHHHH! 

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