Chapter 15: Forgiveness

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A/n: Caleb looking like Flynn Ryder with longer hair and stubble.

Caleb's POV

Catherine's parents got up from their seats on the couch and patted each of my shoulders. I got a sense that they were saying that everything is gonna be okay, but I knew it wasn't. I went to Mr. Clawthorne's office and grabbed my specific carving supplies and a piece of wood to keep myself busy. I headed back to the couch and took a seat.

I couldn't figure out what to make, all I could think of was my guilt. So the tools and wood just went limp in my hands and my head drooped. Flapjack kept me company as the angel at my shoulder. He chirped every once in a while to check if I was okay, but I didn't know if he was actually doing that, I only hoped he was.

I saw Catherine enter back into the living room heading towards me. She landed right next to me and rested her head against me. We sat quiet and comfortable, but I couldn't help the cloud of pain around. But Catherine helped me get a break from it.

"Tell me more about the human realm," Catherine spoke.

I quit fidgeting with the unused tools and wood and set them on the table. I turned towards her with a smile. Catherine sat up with her legs and feet crossed on the couch, turned towards me, seeming eager.

"Well, to start, all of us humans have round ears. Also we don't live on a dead carcass, we live on regular old dirt and grass. It's not too fancy, unlike this wonder of a place." I explained. "This place is only found in dreams where I'm from."

"We plant crops like vegetables or we grab from the trees fruits, or even hunt the animals for food. It's much better than those tentacles and eyeballs you serve," I laughed.

Catherine giggled along with that comment. "What is the weather like? What are your traditions? What's your hometown like?"

"The weather is always different. Most days it can be sunny, but it's only during the spring, summer, and very early fall before the leaves on the trees change colors from green to reds, oranges, yellows, or brown. The rain doesn't boil there, it's cool and nice feeling, soft. It snows for about 3 months of the year..."

"...In the winter, about the end of the year, we celebrate a Holiday called 'Christmas' which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who is supposedly the son of the God we worship in our world which is similar to the Titan. We give our family and friends presents and have vast feasts..."

"...Home is home. That's all I can really say. It's not as fancy as your house. A simple log cabin would do for us, rather than your farther advanced buildings," I shrugged.

"It sounds beautiful, Caleb," Catherine smiled brightly. Oh, how I missed that smile!

"I guess it is. I mean, I've lived there most of my life so I'm used to it," I replied.

"I understand, but it sounds wonderful." Catherine snuggled into my chest, and I felt happier with her in my presence. Just me and my beautiful to-be future wife.

~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip by a Few Months ~~~~~~~~~

My extra strand of hair hanging affront my face has grown and so has the rest of my hair. It's finally long enough to put into a small ponytail. I had also grown stubble around the edges of my chin.

I'm still alive, but I've been tasked with chores. I claim it's not too much work as to not worry Catherine and her parents, but to punish myself I put all of the work needed done on my shoulders. I helped out in any way I could to earn Catherine's parents' approval again.

I swept out the balconies. I hung up washed clothes with pins on the clothesline to dry, washed the dishes after dinner, in which I missed most days from then on. Often, I would fall asleep on my desk just as Philip did. All tuckered out from work all day. Catherine said that her mom would often try and check in quietly as not to disturb.

It wasn't always too fun, but I'd help out Catherine's mother with her potion stand work. One day while working, a little girl sat on some steps across the way with an empty box labeled "Lost Palisman." The girl had lost her green and pink chameleon friend, I found it hiding in some nearby boxes in a neighboring stand. She was overfilled with joy to see her.

I sat writing stupid notes, drawing, or just doing nothing one night when Mr. Clawthorne came into my room. "Are... Are ya busy, boy?" He asked.

"No. Not really," I groaned. "Just... writing nonsense and wasting paper."

"May I give you company?"

I gestured for him to come over if he wanted. He obliged. "My boy, don't you think you're being a bit harsh on yourself?"

"No. I hurt you! I'm just lucky you're giving me a second chance. I actually shouldn't deserve to live here! I lied, and now I'm facing the consequences of my actions," I almost yelled.

Flapjack flew over to Mr. Clawthorne's shoulder. "But does that include you being harsh on yourself? You treat yourself worse than we do!" He noticed.

"I'm angry and disappointed with myself," I growled, trying not to cry. "And since none of you treats me with the harshness it requires so that I'll learn my lesson, I'll do that myself!"

"But haven't you already learned your lesson?" Mr. Clawthorne inquired.

"I-I did, but-"

"Then quit punishing yourself with your thoughts, Caleb!" Mr. Clawthorne insisted. "Whoever taught you it requires harshness like that to learn a lesson? Your parents? Whoever raised you?"

"Actions require consequences," I replied with an "obviously" spark laced in.

"Consequences, yes. But not punishments and self-hatred! Get that out of your head, son. The confession is more than few months in the past by now! Silvia and my anger and disappointment is gone! Well... Mostly gone. But by titan, we don't hate you Caleb! We never did!"

"I hate myself however," I sulked.

"Please... I ask this of you, as your future father-in-law, don't! That you're mad at yourself, that you show regret, we see that. But you have no need to hate yourself. I don't know how many times Cathy already told you, but you're a good person. You have your heart on the right spot. You learn from your wrongs. We forgave you! Now, you must forgive yourself too, son."

Mr. Clawthorne put a hand on my shoulder, Flapjack's eyes shining as he chirped happily. He flew off to enjoy the nice breeze and play with Opal and I sighed in content.

Eventually, I finally came back to dinners and started eating again. I filled out once again after losing weight. Mr. Clawthorne was super cheerful as always, waving at me to come over. Catherine was smiling brightly. So I walked over and took my seat. We engaged in great conversations with laughs and smiles all around while eating Mrs. Clawthorne's scrumptious meals. 

Catherine grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed. She mouthed, "I told you it all would be alright." The future was definitely looking brighter.

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