Chapter 9: Magic in the Sunset

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A/n: This is another one of my favorite batch of comics and I hope you enjoy it!

Caleb's POV

It was a fantastic, warm, sunny evening. The sky was a sorbet of pinks and oranges and the sun was a ball of hope, falling to the horizon line. And there, coming home on her Palisman, sat the woman of my dreams, flying through the air with the wind blowing her hair making waves of chocolate.

She landed in front of the house. "Is it not scary?" I inquire.

"Huh?" Her head perked up from adjusting her dress.

"Flying on your palisman! It also seems pretty dangerous without safety."

"Not at all! It's most amazing! You're completely free, you can go wherever you want, your only limit is the sky!" Catherine exclaimed, clutching Opal closer to her.

I imagined flying aimlessly through the sky, being able to touch every cloud, no worries, no responsibilities, no nothing but an endless bright sky with a nice cool breeze in my hair. Paradise. "That sure sounds nice."

"Would you like to try it?" Catherine asked.

"Try flying on a palisman?" I stammered. "On that?" I pointed at Opal.

"Oh no, nobody uses my staff," Catherine smirked. "Not even you, Blondie Boy. But, you don't need to use mine! You have one yourself! Right Flapjack?"

Flapjack chirped and fluttered his wings for a moment before turning into his staff form. "I keep forgetting he can do this-"

"So, wanna go for a fly, Wittebane?" Catherine nudged my arm.

"Honestly, not really. I-I-I- I've never done this before, obviously," I complained.

"You're smart and talented. You're a fast learner," Catherine reminded me. "You just have to believe and trust yourself, like I believe and trust in you."

"You're very kind, but I'm afraid-"

"Go Flapjack," Catherine interrupted.

"No wait-" but Flapjack didn't listen to my plea and took off to the forest. I clutched onto Flapjack hard and shut my eyes tight and didn't open them, afraid I would fall off and or die.

"You can open your eyes," I heard Catherine say.

"No, thank you," I declined.

"The view is beautiful," Catherine pleaded. "Trust me Caleb. If anything happens, I'll catch you. Just a peek? Please? For me?"

With that I squeaked an eye open. The view was so breathtaking I opened my eyes so wide. "Wow" was all I could muster. A Beautiful view of the carcass Catherine lives on, very odd to say about the "Titan" they live on, but it was a terrific view.

"See?" Catherine said, legs crossed as she sat on her Palisman.

"It's breathtaking!" I cried. "Let's see what we can do Flapjack!"

Without thinking, Flapjack sped across the sky and through the clouds, I felt each and everyone I passed, wet but soft and cozy. I closed my eyes, taking my hands off feeling the air smack my face. "Kitty, you were right!"

"Watch out!" She cried out.

"What?" I yelled back.


I opened my eyes quickly and then seconds later crashed head first into the tree and fell off Flapjack, smashing onto the ground of the crimson forests' floor. I was in pain, but all I felt was laughter erupting from my stomach. "Caleb? Are you hurt?"

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