Chapter 14: Admittance & Loss of Trust

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A/n: Acutal Editing Day 2 starting chapter. I know it seems like everything in the story is happening super fast, but the timeline is more spread out than you think. Enjoy <3

Caleb's POV

The morning after telling Catherine about my Human Realm past it was still obscure outside and Catherine's mother and father were sleeping peacefully upstairs. I snuck downstairs to the dining room table and sat sulking with my blanket. Now that I told Catherine, the next thing to do was to tell her Parents. It was the right thing to do before I marry their daughter.

But telling them, I feared the worst would happen: What if they kick me out and I have to go back to living in the old mountain cave? What if they take back their blessings to marry their daughter? What if they never allow me to see her again? What if they kill me?

Catherine ventured in about 5 minutes later, tapping the wall with a knock and some morning drink. "I tried one of those drinks you talked about... I think you called it 'tea.' It's hot water and leaves. It won't kill you."

"Thank you, Kitty. I can't believe you paid attention to that!" I said in disbelief.

"It's not that hard a recipe that taking notes is required," Catherine noted with a smile before her voice changed. "How are you feeling?"

"That's what I should be asking you," I sighed.

"Well... It's difficult to put into words. I am hurt and mad about the fact that you built up a lie and kept it alive for months. You should have told me earlier." Her voice sounded mad, but also understanding.

"I know! I was just... too scared." What a coward you are Caleb! "Throughout my life I have lost so many people and I was scared you would leave me too! I'm deeply sorry for lying and hurting you, Catherine."

"That's one side of my feelings... I'm hurt and mad, yes. However on the other side, I also understand your reasoning. I think... If I'm honest: if our roles were reversed and I were to stumble into the Human Realm, I would've done the same. Out of fear as a matter of protecting myself. I know you didn't intend to hurt me or anyone else. It will take time for me to fully process everything and for my madness to cool down, but I know that I should forgive you." Catherine explained.

"You will have to face and tell my parents the truth though. I'll be there for moral and emotional support, but you have to confess everything on your own."

"I know," I responded.

"How about you? how are you feeling?" Catherine asked, rubbing my back a little, sipping her tea.

"Better," I lied.

"You're staring a hole into the table," Catherine noticed.

"I'm worried about Philip. Do you think he's fine?" I asked.

"If I've learned anything about him, it's that he's very persistent and anything but stupid. I think he'll be able to survive on his own." Catherine said.



3rd Person POV

"Human! That... that sure is news," Mr. Clawthorne rubbed his forehead, perplexed. He had let a human into their house! He didn't know that humans actually existed! Catherine did mention one when she was a little witchling, but surely it was just a made-up story.

Just yesterday he thought Caleb and his brother, who both were living in his house for months, were a special kind of witches. Caleb had told him himself! However, Caleb had just revealed to him and his wife that it all had been a terrible lie.

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