12: Hurt

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Suyeon sits with her mouth shuts totally. She doesn't know how to answer Juyeon's sudden questions. He doesn't talk much, gearing up the engine and goes back to her apartment. The whole journey is too silent, there is no radio turned on also. The journey suddenly feels longer than before because of the tense situation.

"Arrived.. take care. Don't hurt yourself again." Juyeon coldly said, not even looking at Suyeon.

The girl feels hurt with this cold treatment but she knows it's all her fault. She still not unfastens the seatbelt, holding it with all her feelings. Closing her eyes, she lets out her tears. "I'm sorry. It shouldn't be like this if I didn't accept his offer. I'm easily baited. I actually don't want to end this yet but I'm confused.. I still like you and I.."

Juyeon kisses her, letting a tear drops down his cheeks too. Holding the girl's face, he stares into her eyes. "I don't want us to end.. please."

"Me too but... I'll let my heart choose the path."

Unbuckles the seatbelt, she walks out of the car with the decision to not continue the relationship with Juyeon. It is hard but she has made her concrete decisions. Her tears over him are different from her past breakups. She left him because she is in the middle of who is her soulmates.

Juyeon just stares at her back walking further away entering the building without even looking at him like before. He hits the honk a few times in anger, crying. I have done everything for you but you never see.

Suyeon drinks alone, staring at the kitchen where Younghoon used to sit. The memory of her having dinner with Juyeon also comes into her mind. Feeling stressed over everything, she throws her glass and the alcohol bottle on the cabinets and dining table. "I shouldn't meet any of you at all!" She screams.

Hugging herself alone on the cold floor, regretting all her decisions she made in her life. She answers the call that suddenly comes in without any interest at all to see who is it from. She feels like stopped breathing as she heard Younghoon's voice. Looking at her phone again, thinking she might be hallucinating but it is the truth.

"Why are you calling?" She answers, sounds a bit drunk.

"Did you drink?"

"If you don't have anything important to say-"

"Please visit me again tomorrow.." Younghoon asks politely in his soft soothing voice. "I'm lonely."

Suyeon freezes. She is speechless. The last word attacks her a lot. That's what she feels. "Okay." Answers shortly.

"I miss you.." Younghoon continues.

"Me too.." The girl replies, her eyes sticks on the kitchen where they talked a lot there. "Also.. I will tell you everything that you wanted to know. I think I'm ready to face the consequences."

"I'm fine if you don't want to tell me at all. I don't want to hurt you... anymore." The boy's answer touches Suyeon's heart. It seems like he back to old self who she knows when he was a soul.

The next day. Suyeon gets up from her bed, looking at her bandaged hands. Emotionlessly unwrapped the bandage, she looks at how bad her hands look with quite lots of scars. My life is really so miserable. Even hands didn't lie.

Walking out to the kitchen, she stares at the shattered glass and sticky beer stain on the floor. Carefully cleans it up, she finds her vision to end her suffering life of feeling guilty to be in between two guys.

Quickly changed, she excitedly goes out to meet Younghoon. Her steps slow down as she saw Juyeon is waiting in front of her apartment. She tries to ignore him but he insists to move away to give her space. Sighing, "I have to go somewhere. I think I'm not in the mood to talk to you. I'm sorry.."

"You're serious to break up with me?" He asks.


"Give me permission to hug you for the last time.."

Suyeon lets him to embrace and hug her. She whispers, "I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you. I hope you meet someone better than me that could treat you as how you should."

"We can still be friends. It's okay." Juyeon sniffs, hiding his tears. "Do you want me to give you a ride to meet Younghoon?"

Suyeon nervously opens Younghoon's wardroom door. She is welcomed by Younghoon who is eating some apple pieces that probably from the nurse. She smiles watching him eating deliciously.

"You seem better today." She greets.

"Your hand.."

"Are you ready to listen to everything? Although it will be ridiculous?" Suyeon changes the topic.

"Don't force yourself if you can't."

"I have broke up with Juyeon.. because I am confident to tell you everything."

It takes long enough for Suyeon to explain everything to Younghoon. As the storytelling ends, Younghoon looks speechless and can't believe the reality. Suyeon pats his head, giving him time to process everything. She knows it must be hard for him to accept it.

The boy holds her hand, stopping her from going away. "My dream doesn't lie then... of me kept being around you."

"You dreamt?"

"But your eyes are always on Juyeon... so I think the dream is fake."

Suyeon chuckles. "And now I'm here. To be yours. Stay by your side."

"Although I'm not as how I used to be?"

Suyeon hugs him. "Human can be shaped. I know who you really are although you were in soul form at that time."

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