11: Realisation

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Suyeon breaks the kiss when she realized what she did. Quickly parts herself from him, looking away with red face in embarrassment. She wipes her mouth a few times. "Sorry... It's- I'm- I don't have intention to do it. It's just I- ugh.." She stutters a lot when trying to explain to Younghoon who is still touching his lips.

The reason the boy touches his lips is because he has remembered a piece of memory. He remembered he once hanged out with her. He looks at her, thinking of a crazy idea but it might benefits him. "Suyeon..." He calls out.

"Younghoon, I'm sorry. It's like I'm-"

"Kiss me again."

"What?!" The girl shrieks in shock. "I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend. It's-"

"I regain some memories when you kissed me.. when I met you at your house.. spending time together." Younghoon confesses.

"What..? You remember me?" She stutters.

"Please, kiss me more. I promise... I won't be overboard." He pleads.

Suyeon contemplates. There is a reason why she doesn't want to do so. She doesn't want Younghoon to remember he once tried to become her boyfriend. Shaking her head, she rejects. "I'm sorry. It seems not beneficial to both of us. So, I don't want to."

"Is there a reason why?" He starts to become curious.

The girl stays silent. She walks away from him, taking the jug of water to put it on his bedside. The silence makes him impatient, raising his voice. "I need to know the reason!"

Suyeon drops the glass in shock, scattered the small pieces on the floor. Quickly she cleans it up with her bare hands, not minding whether she got hurt or not. Younghoon saw the situation. He feels guilty and wants to stop her. But he can't move because of his sewed body part. His mouth feels dry when he wants to ask about her condition.

Throwing the glass pieces on the dustbin, Suyeon looks at her hands full of blood. She doesn't feel hurt at all. Too many things in her mind distract her. Luckily, a nurse comes inside because of the strange noise. She comes to take a look at Suyeon who is standing still, looking at her bloody hands. "Miss, let me treat you. You seemed like you accidentally dropped a glass." The nurse asks.

Suyeon just follows her to take a seat next to Younghoon's bed, letting her to treat her wounds. She avoids having eye contacts with him at all. But she feels he is touching her back, trying to console her.

"Finished. Please don't put too many pressure on your hands for a while. Don't worry much because it will heal quick. If you need anything, you can just press the button on Younghoon's bed." The nurse gladly explains.

And again. The two of them in the wardroom, silence. Younghoon catches one of Suyeon's bandaged hands. "I'm sorry. I got too emotional. It brings you bad luck."

The girl stays silent. "Why you're so eager to know the answer?" She speaks up, looking at her wound.

"I feel like you're hiding something from me.. and it's important I guess." The boy slows down his tone as he realizes how panic Suyeon is.

"It's not important at all. I think it's better to live new life." She confesses.

Younghoon wants to ask more deeper but he knows it's bad for her condition. He shrugs the topic off, looking outside of the window. "Wondering if I'm not here, I might be up there." He mumbles.

Suyeon frowns. "Don't say that. You should be grateful that you're here. Alive."

"But I don't want to at first. Why you saved me? I will face Eunha again and I'll back to my depressive mode. Will you still be responsible for my life again?"

The girl leaves him alone in the room, walking outside to the nearest coffee machine. She doesn't even know Younghoon's real attitude is just too rude. Pressing on the same button repeatedly, the machine starts to break down. She screams all her frustration. I'm regretting everything. Since your soul met me, until now.. why it's so hard for you to appreciate me.

Coming back to the room with two cups of coffee. Suyeon puts Younghoon's one on the bedside table as he is soundly asleep. It's also nearly time for Juyeon to finish his work. She calls him as he doesn't want him to worry about her presence but her partner doesn't answer the call at all no matter how many times she did.

This is weird. Maybe he is busy.

She turns back, to see Younghoon is still sleeping. She holds his hand, caressing his palm. "You're so different now... than I first saw you." Whispered alone.

"How am I?"

Suyeon quickly takes her hand off from him, shocked to see Younghoon wakes up. The boy looks at her, stopping her from backing off. "I also want to know myself. It has been a long time I haven't see myself.."

"I also don't know you much. The last time we met was on the rooftop. What you expect me to know you a lot?" Suyeon lies.

The boy's eyes are right on hers. "Your pupils are shaking. You're lying or hiding something."

Suyeon stays silent. She looks away, fiddling with her hands. "Like I said before.. better you don't know about it."

Younghoon hugs her all of sudden. He wants to kiss her more to know more and he thinks this is the only way. As he approaches the girl's face, the door opened by Juyeon, stopping the sick boy from continuing his intention.

Suyeon turns around shocked with the sound of the door. Excitedly she jumps, runs to hug her boyfriend. "I called you but you didn't answer..."

Juyeon silently staring at Younghoon while patting the girl's head. "Why you're worried about me? I'm the one who should be worried because I just went to your wardroom but you're not there."

"Sorry.. Younghoon asked me to become his guardian for tonight. I called you to tell you that but since you're here."

"But I'm not letting you to be here... let's go back home. You should get better rest although you're doing fine." Juyeon comes closer, noticed the bandaged hands. "And you hurt yourself again. Let's go."

Suyeon exchanges look with Younghoon. She knows the boy has thousands of thoughts he wants to let out to her. She follows her boyfriend who drags her out from the room carefully without hurting her hands. Predicting from behind, she feels Juyeon is mad like sort of jealousy.

Gets into his car, Suyeon looks at him with a long stare when he is sighing deeply while gripping the steering wheel. As she wants to ask him, he is faster this time.

"Is that the reason why you want us to stop...? To be with him?"

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