10: Fortune

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Suyeon lies on her bed, thinking about both Juyeon and Younghoon matters. She couldn't even close her eyes to rest herself last night. She wants to enjoy good days with Juyeon. Although he insisted her to do so because he understands how hard it must be for her, but she is still with her decision.

Changing to a casual sporty outfit, she leaves her house to go for a walk to ease her mind. She feels her decision towards Juyeon is too much. But she somehow doesn't want to hurt him if her heart still worries about Younghoon. She walks without direction, heading wherever her feet brings her to.

The sound of honks along the road is like a silent sound for her. Steps onto the busy road, she crosses it without looking left and right. There is no even pedestrian traffic on the road. As she wants to continue her steps, someone pulls her back away from the road when there is a big truck coming.

Gasping, finally realising herself in danger. Suyeon looks at Juyeon who is the one stopping her. He doesn't say much, hugging her tightly to comfort her. He knows there must be lots of things bothering her.

"Why are you here? Now is your working time right?" Suyeon mumbles.

"Don't do this... I still want you in my life."

"Sorry..." The girl cries.


Feeling her forehead is cool, Suyeon saw Juyeon is sitting next to her, wiping her face with damp clothes. She reaches his hand, stopping him. "What happened?"

"You're at the hospital.. You fainted. The doctor said you might be in stressed too much. I'm sorry..." Juyeon replies with a sigh. "It must be my fault."

Her eyes suddenly meet Younghoon who is looking at her behind Juyeon. The way she can understand what he mouthed makes her sadder — I miss you. She is in a complicated situation.

"Can I have time alone? I remember I have to make a phone call.." She lies.

Juyeon just nods, leaving her to stay in the ward room taking her time. He doesn't suspect anything but he surely feels something different with Suyeon.

Suyeon keeps on looking at Younghoon who is still standing on the same spot. "I'm confused.. I tried to leave him but I can't. I tried to leave you but I can't. What kind of choices do I have to choose only one.. you or Juyeon?" She confesses.

Younghoon only stays silent. The girl grows frustrated, suddenly yells out of blue. "Answer me like you used to! I want to hear your voice! If you don't have answer, just go away from my life!"

Juyeon barged in right after heard the sudden yells. He holds her hands, comforting her. "Everything is alright. Don't think about it too much. I'm here.."


Juyeon goes back to his work when Suyeon seems stable than before. The girl is left alone, staring at the ceiling. She remembers it's the same hospital as Younghoon's. Getting up from her bed, she walks to the wardroom where Younghoon is. The room is empty. Panicked, she runs to the nurse to ask about him. "Where is the patient in that room?"

"Kim Younghoon? His guardian doesn't tell you?"

"About what?" Suyeon stutters.

"He is now... has finished the surgery. But he is still unconscious. So we have decided to redo MRI scans and everything possible." The nurse explains.

"Why his surgery suddenly is held today?"

"His guardian wants. I can't say much."

Suyeon patiently waiting in his wardroom. She just hopes that nothing happened to him with the sudden surgery. Holds both of her hands together, her mouth is full of prays.

The open door startled her, making her focused on the unconscious boy. She waits for the doctor to explain while watching his report. "There is no complications at all but maybe it takes time for him to wake up again. We are sure it will not take long time."

"Thank you. Thank you very much." She bows repeatedly, teary eyes accompany her as well with a smile.

When she is back alone with him in the room, she can't stop looking at him. "Your soul must be back in your body. I can't have fun with you again. I just hope your promise to not forget me is true. It's bad to lie right?" She mumbles alone.

"Han Suyeon. Miss Han Suyeon."

Suyeon wakes up from dozing off next to Younghoon's bed. She must be so tired from long journey to the airport and here. She turns back to reply the voice but there is no one. Looking back at Younghoon, she gasped not believing Younghoon has miraculously opens his eyes, gaining consciousness.

The girl quickly excited to call the doctor but the patient is quick to stop her with his weak arm. "Don't call anyone yet... I have something to discuss."


Younghoon shows his red thumb, looks like being stamped on a red stamp pad. "Do you know... who did this?" He asks.

"No... I seriously don't know. I just-"

Suyeon stops. She suddenly remembered something, of Eunha wants Younghoon's property. It's hard to tell him something hurtful like this. Clearing her throat, trying to make a better sentence to not make it looks bad. "Well... Someone planned to take all your assets under her name. She is-"

"Eunha, right?" He asks coldly.

"How do you still remember? I thought you may have complications.."

"Aren't you curious from the first I call your name?" His words gives Suyeon a stop in the running time. What he said is true. He remembers everything.

"You remember me..."

He tries to sit but the girl is quick to stop him. "Don't try to move a lot. You just finished your surgery."

"You still babble a lot." He chuckles. "The last time you babbled to me was when I tried to end my life on the rooftop. What a coincidence we meet again here."

Suyeon freezes. She thought he remembered everything but his memory only catches the one before he was in coma. Faking laugh, "yeah... Excuse me for a while. I will call the doctor to check on you."

Locking herself in the toilet cubicle, Suyeon brawls all her tears. She expects too much that hurts herself. A message from Juyeon interrupts her me time moment. "I am doing fine at work. Everything is fine, right?"

She stares at the message for a long time and replies, "yes. I will be discharged this evening. See you later."

After calming herself down, she goes back to her wardroom to get all her belongings as she knows it'll hurt her much if she stays in the hospital. She doesn't care if her eyes look too puffy and noticable. Silently open the door, taking her bag from the bedside. She goes to visit Younghoon for the last time carefully without waking the patient up.

A hand is quick to catch her, stops her from walking out. Younghoon opens his eyes, looking at her. "Can you accompany me? I might need help because the nurse said I have no guardian."

His sentence shocked her much. She doesn't expect Eunha to drop her guardian title this fast. Blinking few times with panic in her face, "urmm... I- uh, okay. But only for tonight because you just finished your surgery." She sighs.

"Thank you. Sorry if I burden you, even until now I'm burdening you. When I wanted to end my life, you showed up too. And now you're helping me again although I know you might be busy." He replies.

"It's fine. Don't worry." She holds her tears.

"I don't know why but when I'm with you, although we were never close before, I feel comfort to be with you. Like we have known each other for so long. And like we have shared lots of things." Younghoon excitedly confesses.

Suyeon lets her tears out while filling in the jug with the filtered water. She sniffs silently, wiping her tears. "It's great you feel comfortable with me.." Her voice cracks a bit, Younghoon concerned.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Suyeon suddenly runs to him, kissing his lips. "Sorry... I can't hide it anymore."

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