8: Farewell?

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Younghoon saw how Juyeon hugs Suyeon sweetly which makes him more jealous. He wants to sabotage but he knows it is a childish behavior. He just stays silent, looking away. Am I doing the right thing...? Why I feel I'm regretting my choice?

Suyeon feels the warmth of the embrace and the sincere of Juyeon's heart. With her red ears, she breaks the hug and goes back to eat their dinner. She is shocked as he suddenly brings his plate and sits next to her eating like nothing happened.

Her eyes examine how cute he is when he is eating with his mouthful cheeks. Her finger automatically pokes his cheek, makes the guy stops munching on. He chuckles as he finds what his partner did is cute.

"It feels like a miracle. We know less than a week and why I feel like we have known each other for years." Suyeon confessed.

"Isn't it because we are destined with each other?" Juyeon smiles, looking into her eyes sincerely.

Suyeon doesn't reply him with words but with a deep kiss. Younghoon feels disgusted by watching the couple being so lovey dovey. As he wants to walk away to any of the rooms in the house, his heart feels hurt like something is triggering it physically. He stumbled down on the floor, holding his chest in pain. He tries to keep silence as he doesn't want to disturb Suyeon. Unfortunately, his groans distract the girl from her date. She starts to worry but she also doesn't want Juyeon to know about her ability.

"Aren't you cold now? Go, dress up. I don't want you to have a cold." Suyeon suddenly tells Juyeon out of nowhere.
Innocently, the guy follows her words and goes back to the room to get a shirt.

The time is short. The girl quickly approaches Younghoon, asking what's the matter. The boy just shakes his head not knowing what happened to his body at hospital. He becomes weaker than ever and sweats too much.

Before any of them got to say something, Younghoon's soul disappear from Suyeon's hands. The girl freezes, everything is too fast for her to process. She looks around to see if Younghoon just plays around but there is no sight of him at all. Her eyes meet Juyeon's who saw her suddenly kneeling on the floor with worried face.

"Why are you on the floor? Anything happened?" Juyeon concerned.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to destroy our date but... One of my friends is in hospital. They said his condition might be bad-"

"Let's go to visit him." Juyeon suggests.

"You're okay if it's a guy...?" Suyeon asks.

"Life is important. Gender is not an issue now. Friendship matters. Quick, I can get you there with my car." He holds her shoulders to assure her panic self.

Arrived at the hospital, Juyeon follows Suyeon to the wardroom where Younghoon is situated. This time the nurse seems to know Suyeon as acquaintance of the patient so she gets in quickly. She stops the nurse before she walks away, "is there anything happened to him just now?"

"His vital suddenly became unstable but luckily the doctor treated him quick or he might have died. But... Thanks to that situation, he will undergo surgery that can treat him from coma. He will be back soon in few weeks." The nurse explains.

"When will his surgery be held?"

"This Friday.. we have called his guardian but she is unreachable at this moment so we decide to just proceed as he has been here for a long time." The further explanation makes Suyeon mad at how Eunha doesn't care about Younghoon at all.

The couple bows at the nurse as a thank you. Suyeon looks around, expecting Younghoon to reappear back but he is nowhere to be seen. Juyeon noticed the way she looks anxious and waiting for someone. He calms her down, holding her shoulder softly. "Are you looking for something?"

"I just- I can't... I don't understand why his guardian can't take care of him!" Suyeon becomes so sensitive all of sudden that makes Juyeon shocked a little. She sighs, "sorry... I'm too emotional. I shouldn't be like this after our date. We can go back home now."

"Are you sure? I'm fine if you want to stay longer here since he might be alone when he is unstable." Juyeon tries to be understanding of the situation although he is unsure of their relationship.

"Better if we just go home. Or else his guardian will think I'm being nosy worrying about my old school mate." The girl drags her partner out from the ward without looking back anymore. She tries to calm herself and hoping that Younghoon will be visiting her at home instead. It's too early for her to realise what Younghoon said finally come to reality.

Juyeon knows Suyeon is not fine with her own decision. He drives silently without saying anything. The whole journey is also full of silence, none of them speak anything. He keeps glancing at how gloomy Suyeon's eyes looking out at the window.

The tense drive finally arrived at the destination. The guy stops her from unbuckling her seatbelt, looking at her pitifully. Suyeon tries to smile although her eyes show everything how she feels. "Why? We should continue what we left just now."

"Don't push yourself too hard.. don't hold yourself too.." Juyeon advises.

The girl suddenly cries after listening to how soothing her boyfriend's voice is. She quickly unbuckles the seatbelt, hugs Juyeon tightly while sobbing hard. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry."

"Why you're being sorry? It's not your fault. Suyeon, we are human. We have ups and downs. Don't ever think everything negatively okay? If you want me to drive you back to the hospital also fine. Or anytime you want to visit him, I can accompany you." Juyeon kisses her head, pats her back.

Waking up in the middle of night with Juyeon next to Suyeon soundly asleep. The girl goes out to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Her eyes stare at the floor where the incident happened before. She shakes it off from her mind, continuing to do what she should do. "Why you left all of sudden like that without saying goodbye..."


She startled as someone calls her name in whispering tone beside her. Looking around, she calls out Younghoon lots of times but the voice disappears. I must have been imagining things. I should stop think about him. It's not fine to keep thinking about him.

"Babe, you're up?" Juyeon asks in sleepy voice, heading to the kitchen as well.

"Oh, I just want to get a glass of water.. and you?"

He suddenly hugs her from back, "because you're not by my side. I suddenly feel empty next to me."

Suyeon feels butterflies in her stomach. It's been a long time someone said to her those kinds of words. She lets Juyeon to hug her for a long time, enjoying her comfiness in his arms. Maybe Juyeon is the one I should focus now instead of keep on trying looking for Younghoon.

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