4: Know Who We Are

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The night has came and it's time for Suyeon to go back home. She dressed back to her normal looks and gives the work apparels to the manager. "I'm going to resign now.. I'm afraid if I continue to work here, I will be too attached until I don't want to leave." She holds her tears.

The manager hugs her for the last time, giving her farewell messages. She knows how much Suyeon dedicated herself in this cafe. Younghoon somehow feels sad to see the scene right in front of his eyes. He suddenly remembered his mother who always visited him at the hospital back then before she got married to her new husband. He walks out of the cafe as he doesn't want to reminisce too many memories or else he might have complications.

Suyeon bades farewell to all her co-workers, looking around for Younghoon but he is not in the cafe. She starts to feel nervous and rushes outside. How grateful she feels when she saw him looking at the busking session outside.

Acting like she is using her phone, she asks him. "Don't just leave me away like that. You know how worried I am?!"

Younghoon just smirks. "You're worried about me? Why? You think I'm already back alive?"

"Just.... Don't do it again. You promised to stay right by my side." The girl acts fine.

"Where is your prince charming? You said you want to meet him right?" Younghoon changes the topic.

"He said to meet me here. But I'm not sure if he already finished his job or not. And I already threw away the business card..." The girl sighs.

The waiting period becomes longer as the busking session already ended. She tries to heat herself up, looking for any warm place to get in. It's dangerous too for her to stay longer at night around this area. Younghoon can't warm her up, he is not a human. He looks at the big clock on the street. "How much longer do you want to wait? You can just cancel and meet him any other days."

"If he is serious about me, he will come." Suyeon looks at her phone.

A hand lands on her shoulder from behind all of sudden. There stands Juyeon catching his breath, seems like he runs meet her. "I'm sorry... The class ends late because I have to upload new choreography for my students." He explains in short breath.

Suyeon smiles and hugs him, "you have work hard today. I'm sorry too that I expect too much from you."

Younghoon feels jealous but he tries not to make it too obvious as he knows his chance to be with her is too small. He lingers around, leaving both of them asking each other while strolling on the street. He feels defeated to see Juyeon takes off his windbreaker jacket to warm the girl up. He is better. Why should I still hold on to you.

Suyeon notices something is empty right by her side although Juyeon accompanies her strolling on the street while sharing his life. Her eyes see Younghoon on the other side of the street, strolling alone by himself. She feels sorry but she can't call him out of nowhere or else people might think she is crazy, especially Juyeon. Maybe he wants to give me space to know Juyeon more. Kim Younghoon, you won't leave me right?

Juyeon safely brings Suyeon back home. They don't know how to part without feeling awkward. Suyeon suddenly approaches him, gives him a peck on his right cheek. "I will visit you at your workplace tomorrow. I'll call you before coming, don't worry." She whispers.

The tall one shrugs the girl's hair cutely, smiling at her. "Rest well and see you tomorrow."

Suyeon doesn't get into the house until Juyeon left her sight. She has never felt this happy since her last breakup. Her smile can't leave her face although she has walked into her house. The house is full of silence with no scent of mint at all. She starts to feel something off. Looking all over her house, she tries to find Younghoon traces but it seems he wasn't there before.

"Younghoon... Don't play with me.. you promised me you will be by my side, right?" She starts to rant alone.

"Did you miss me? Right after your date?" Younghoon suddenly gets out of the bathroom with wet hair covering his forehead.

Suyeon runs to hug him tightly. "I'm afraid you will fade away without telling me goodbye. You're the only friend I can talk to 24/7 right by my side."

The boy just chuckles but deep inside he is hurt by the word 'friend'. He whines to break the hug as he doesn't want to be overwhelmed with his emotions. "I won't do that. It's just I distance myself to give you more space during dating. I know you will feel uncomfortable if I keep on tailing you guys."

Suyeon sulks but then she notices something, "you're not human but why you're showering?? And I realised back then you used my toothbrush."

"I need to take care of my hygiene too okay. And now I'm hungry, you have ramen?" Younghoon lingers to the kitchen, opens all the cabinets to search for his soul food.

"Seriously, Younghoon. I have lots of things to ask you. How you live and so on..." The girl takes out the cup ramen from the lower cabinet, puts it on the table. "Tell me."

"What should I tell you? You already see how I'm living. I wear clothes like human, I go to toilet, I eat and everything."

"But at the cafe and during at the restaurant?"

"It's just we are not as hungry as human. Sometimes only one meal can last for two days." He continues as he slurps the hot noodles.


"Depends.. if I'm tired."

"What a great life to live like that..." Suyeon sighs.

"And I missed to live like a human..."

The situation becomes colder and awkward than before. Younghoon starts to break the ice, "so where will you work now? You haven't tell him yet that you resign right?"

The girl shakes her head, scrolling through her phone about job offers. "Where should I work... I don't want to work at that chinese restaurant. I want new environment." She sighs.

"No more barista?"

She nods. "I actually hate coffee but I don't know why I'm talented in handling it."

Without any reason, Younghoon suddenly pokes her cheek and smiles. "Whatever you do, you always have that passion hidden under this cute face."

Suyeon feels butterflies. She knows she should get rid of this kind of feeling but it's unavoidable. Clearing her throat, she walks away to excuse herself in the bathroom. You shouldn't be this weak to men.. you already have Juyeon to start the new journey but why you're still having butterflies around that freaking soul, Suyeon.

Suyeon can't sleep as she overthinks too much about new jobs and her relationship. It's late night, if she decides to call Juyeon, he might be sleeping. Her thoughts are pushed away when he calls her all of sudden. She answers, partially hoping he is on the same boat as her. "Juyeon... Why are you not sleeping?"

"I'm the one who should ask you that. It seems you also have hard time to sleep."

"I guess maybe because too many things happened today and I can't process them well yet.." she chuckles.

"You can't process that you're finally in a relationship?" The male laughs, trying to make a joke but he knows he is not a fun guy. "Sorry, it's not funny right?"

Suyeon smiles listening to his cute dumbness. "I miss you..."

Younghoon heard the conversation of Suyeon with Juyeon from outside of the bedroom. He stops his steps from going inside as at first he wants to see whether she has soundly asleep or not. But it seems like it's not his duty anymore. I think I know my boundaries now.

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