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'Wonder what will happen now.'

"She's here!" "My lady is looking beautiful as always!"

Everyone was whispering about their new Queen as she made her way through the door.

She scowled a bit. She didn't like it.

It was true, that they respect the Queen and make them feel suprier,

But she hated it. She just want to act normally. But guess fate and life won't  let her.

She sighed quietly, grabbing hold of her long gown as she smiled.

"Hello my lady." She looked around when she heard the voice she knew so well.

Her fiancée. Prince Norman.

He was the next King of the Blue kingdom.

It was ironic, because he would always wear blue clothings.

He was handsome at least.

With his white hair and ocean blue eyes and gentle voice, no wonder if someone falls in love with him easily.

And thus, she did.

She fell in love with him the moment she saw him.

She was also bewildered when she heard that he was going to be her husband soon all those years ago too.

It was like she hit a jackpot.

She chuckled a bit and bowed slightly, a thing every royal family must do when they meet someone with same level or suprier then them.

Tho she would do that to someone who was lower then her too.

No matter how much she hated the fact that anyone could be lower then her, it was true. In their society at least.

"Hello dear, thank you for inviting me to your grand ball." She said, smiling at the albino in front of her.

He grabbed her right hand, gently kissing it.

"May I?" He asked, looking at the ball floor and then back at her.

She giggled and said,"Yes. Of course."

" lady.." The albino said, his head hung low as the girl turned to him with a soft eyes and gentle smile on her face.

It's been atleast five hours since the ball started. And they had recently stopped dancing to take a little break.

And thus, they stood together by the balcony, from where they can see all the people down stairs.

"Yes?" She answered.

"May i tell you something before this ball ends?" He asked, his ocean blue eyes looking at her dark brown ones.

She looked confused. Yet still despite being confused, she said,"Yes. Go ahead."

He took a deep breath, his heart racing at the thought of telling her.

He was beyond nervous now.

Telling her would mean, she will be broken hearted.

But he had to. He couldn't ruin her life like that.



He sighed.
'Now or never.'

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