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It was another day of Industry High.

Each student ware having their time doing different activities.

Around the area of the school was dark green forest. Which, some thought had bad things deep inside it, but of course it was a lie itself.

It was free time as they all say. So we shall try to do something other then daily activities of school, right?

So our main protagonist, Sam was looking through a different book she found interest in. While her friend Ayumi was eating a plate full of foods.

"Just how long will you keep reading miss girl?" Ayumi said while chewing on her food with a deadpining expression. Annoyed that her best friend was not eating her own.

She looked up from her book to look at her friends face. With a small sigh she put her book down and picked up her spoon to take a bit of her food. After all she had to stay healthy and not ruin her body, Making her eat normal food rather then fast food.

Ayumi on the other hand, was full of eating. Its not like she wasn't maintaining herself tho, but she loved fast food along with sweets and would eat them whole day straight.

That sure was expected of a in famous baker tho. Her mother's were really fond of sweets, making them make sweets every day. And of course, Ayumi is the same. Sweets this and sweets that.

Their sweets are really famous due to its unique testes like no other.

Not that Sam hated sweets, she does, but she liked sour more.

"Whatcha thinking?" Ayumi asked, playing with her fork gently as she looked at her best friend in-front of her.

Sam looked up again, stopping her eating in the process.

"Nothing new..just don't feel like eating today." She said with a small smile.

"Eh..Your face says otherwise tho..?" She asked, getting concern each time the times pacing. Her face looked tired and it looks like she needs more sleep.

For a matter of fact she knew that Sam was doing way too hard for her job, ignoring her hunger and rest in the process.

For as long as she remembers, Sam was perfect with everything she did. She was and still is really talented. With dancing, singing and acting.. practically everything.

Her beautiful jet black hair would fall in her face everytime she moved in a swift moment, letting everyone capture her face in their minds.

On the other hand, Ayumi,

She had the talent of baking, thanks to her mothers.

Her red locks of hair would sway as she moved all her sweets place to place.

While she was at it tho, her face would have a really beautiful smile on her face everytime. A rare sight to see. Atleast thats what Sam thinks.

But in Ayumi's eyes, Sam was the most prettiest girl she had ever meet.

Of course she has met a lot of pretty people her whole life. She loved her best friend more than she knew herself. But..

She would never say that out loud in-front of her.

"No don't worry girl, i'm fine, really." Sam moved her arms, gesturing she was fine.

Ayumi, of course, didn't believed her but didn't push the matter, figuring it was best if she didn't asked much.

With a small sigh, the red locks pouted,"Fineeee..I get it, you are fine but.." She looked down.

The revenette titled her head a bit to the side in a confused manner.

"What?" She asked.

The red head slowly looked up, meeting Sam's eyes.

Her eyes went wide, Ayumi had tears in her eyes.

Alarmed she quickly stood and walked up to her, patting her head as she took her best friend in a side embrace, oblivious to the fact that it has caused the certain red locks to flush, much like her own hair.

But she decided to ignore that weird sensation from her stomach.

With a weeping voice she said," the Principle said if i do not do better in my studies, i won't be able to graduate from here.."

Sam made an 'o' sound for a second then sighed. 'So this was the reason.' She thought.

"What's so bad about that? i mean he was right, you should study harder rather then just only baking." She exclaimed as she left her friend on her seat and start to go to her own.

Again unknown to her, the certain red locks was longing for her touch more.

"Easy for you to say! you always get better grades in class! at this point you can go with the premium students any day!" the red locks said, crossing her arms in a childish manner.           
{A/N: Who's Sam because she ain't me✋ }

Sam froze. She felt like her entire world collapsing into pieces.


Yes this school was divided into two parts. Primary and High. But there was also two parts of them.

One for premium students who study way more harder. Always expected to have up to 80/90% and sometimes even 100%.

Another one is medium. Which was almost same as the premium ones but a bit less harsher. They are expected to be atleast up to 60%.

If you go up to 80/90% then there's a chance you may go to premium side.

And thus, Sam and Ayumi is in the medium one.

For them to be extremely serious, she couldn't due to her schedule of job.  But she would rather stay here rather then going there for..reasons.

But yes theres some classes that medium and premium has to take together.


"You know i won't go right? I'm here for you remember?" Sam asked with a sigh again, massaging her temples.

It was a small gesture, but it made the certain red locks heart skip a bit. She looked away to avoid eye contact as the revenette looked at her side ways.

"Ugh..remind me again why were you told to study here with me again?" She cleared her throat, ignoring her heat up cheeks.

"Hm? Oh i was recomended to join because they thought i was a good influence to you."She answered. It was not practically a lie but not the truth either.

She had her own reasons for not going there but she won't say that to her.

"Oh..yeah..i forgot."The red head groaned, then started to eat again.

That was until she remembered something, "Oh yeah Sa-"

She was cut off when she heard the door open.

Both girl's alarmed,looked back to see them..

Sam's heart skipped a bit.

'Why. Was. He. Here!?'




word's count: 1116.

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