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Their eyes widen, as in they had seen a ghost.

"There's no way.." the certain revenette said as he stepped back and grabbed his bottle, swallowing the water.

"Well I suppose it can't be helped?.." The albino said, sighing, as he sat down, putting his hand over his white locks.

Emma looked somewhat shocked and also excited for the list of actor Nand actress.

She may be mad but this was perfect!

Ayumi was mad herself. Yet she didn't show it. She couldn't. No one knew about her secret and she didn't want that either.

Sam on the other hand was questioning herself, whether it was true or they were just playing around with her.

Character lists:

Emma Gryffin= the princess.(second lead)


Norman Minerva= the Prince.(second lead)


Ayumi Ichigo= the warrior (previously princess).


Sam Sakura= the evil Queen.(main)


Ray Handstone= the Servant. (With a twist.)(main)

"So, have you seen the lists already?" Miss Canary asked,  her dark brown hair tied neatly in a bun.

The teenagers nodded their head. Seemingly can't talk.

"Alright then! Everything is-"

"Miss.. if Ray isn't my twin brother, then how would it make sense?" Sam asked, her head titled to the side, looking at the women in front of her in confusing manner.

"Isn't that obvious? Ray is going to be your love interest here." Ayumi answered for the older lady as she drank a bottle of water, taking deep breaths after wards as she saw how shocked the revenette duo looked.

"Miss Ichigo is right. Honestly, how have you guys didn't notice it?" She said with a chuckle.

"This is ridicules. How come we are chosen for this?" Ray exclaimed. Gritting his teeth in frustration. 

He didn't want to work with her. Especially if he have to act as a lover.

He would rather act with some other older people also if needed.

"Well Mr. Handstone, preciously, it's because you guys look a lot alike. But we still won't make you twins. Fans like romance more. And even if you do look like almost same, your attitude is way different." The older women explained as she smiled sheepishly, seemingly giving them an idea of what she may be thinking.

'This doesn't even make sense!'

But they shook the feelings off. Theres nothing gonna happen with them.

Or.. was it the case?

Surely they dont mean it. Right?

'Author, I swear to god if-'


"So, everything is settled now. Let's get to work! Guys, get them ready!" She yelled, excited for the movie they are making.

'It's going to be a long..night alright. '

Words: 430.

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