CHAPTER SIX.{Flashback}

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The girl only stared outside blankly. Tho her tears were still falling, she didn't care because they were the one knew about her breakdowns more.

"Found you."

Their breath hitched as they heard the voice from behind.

The 11 year olds thought, they couldn't find them. But oh how wrong they were.

They all turned around, looking at the man in front of them, his clothes blooded by the kill he did a while ago.



It was built for quiet a lot of times, until..

"RUN!" The twins yelled, grabbing hold of the revenette while the other two ran the other way.

For them, they thought, maybe, just maybe if they run in a different direction and then meet up somewhere where they can't catch them, will help them to survive.


"LET ME GO!" The blonde yelled as she was stuggling in the man's hands.

They were muscular. And they were kids, they had power, while the kids didn't. They were powerless against them.

Yet they couldn't call anyone. Because the place was rather empty than they actually thought.

"Ellie!" The other three, and including young revenette, four, yelled. They were scared.

Yet they stopped running.

They will never let a friend get hurt. Let alone the person they knew for all this years.

Little Sam wasn't dumb. She had a feeling that if they run, they will all leave the blonde and chase after them.

Or rather, her.

And so, pulling her hands away from their grasp, she ran, leaving them when she understood she was right.

And she was. All the man was after her now.


But God, fate had other things in its sleeves.

All the other, including the blonde screamed her name, running after her.

"Stop following me you dumbos! And run away, I'll distract them." Was what the revenette said, keeping herself steady to run. Maybe she was trying to be selfish for once. Only to be stopped by some hands.

"We will never leave you, you stupid!" Her friends said. All together, while lightly smacking her head in the process.

They were all crying, yet held into each other yet again.

By now, the wind has picken up its speed.
The stars were peeking at them through the clouds a soft smile into its face.

The kids would also smile back if it wasn't for the situation they  were in.

"You guys sure are something. Getting all worked up for this so called friendship of yours." The man said. Coming to an hault, with his gun up at them again.

The kids noticing, tried to run again.

Only to be grabbed by them again.

The other four looked at each other with fear but determination.

With a nod of agreement, they pushed their best friend away from them. The one who tried to protect them, despite the fact that she was the one being targeted.

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