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'Could it be that..I actually like him..?'

She shook of the feeling, she didn't had much time to feel things like this.
'This is useless.'

For now, she just wants to go home and lay down, watch anime or anything to cheer her up while eating chocolate's. Or maybe any snack.

She groand, stretching her itching back for a change.

She didn't mind working, but this time..

It made her feel weird.

She sat down at a nearby chair, making herself comfortable on it while having a bottle of water in her hands.

'That felt so damn weird.' She thought, looking at the ground in wonder.

'I couldn't be the only one who felt it right? As if-'

"Sam!" She heard a very familiar voice yell and sighed.

'I did not sign up for this.'

"Hey Emma." She said, smiling softly at the ginger hair, who was running up to her, Norman and Ayumi on her tail.

But she couldn't see one more familiar locks of hair.

The revenette.

'Where is he?' She wondered.

Soon, Emma came to halt as she grabbed the girls hands tightly, pulling her from her comfort place.

She entirely graoned,
'Why take me out of my comfort place like that Emma!? Could have just said
what is it.'

"That. Was. Amazing! We all were really into it! Miss Canary was crying a lot during the scene where you and Ray met. And we were really touched when the child scenes happened and-"

"Emma..calm down and let her breath for a sec.." the albino tried, only to be fail as the ginger refuse to let go of the revenette's hands.

"No! She needs to know. Ray is just siting there like he didn't like it!" She pointed at a ver- not so far away chair. Ray was reading his script with no emotions on his face.

Well, that was until-

"I didn't Emma! Now stop talking about it. It's some bullshit anyways." He snapped, but sighed afterwards composing himself and looking back at the script.

Emma was pauting,

Norman was comforting Emma while Ayumi just stared at him, eyes wide.

But for the revenette, something shrunked in her chest.

She touched her body, where her heart was, feeling some kind of sadness at his sudden snap.

'What is this?.. I never felt like this before. How the hell it feels weird now?'

"Well, maybe it's bullshit, because you don't even know how to act." She said calmly, composing herself from the previous feeling.

"Huh!?" He looked up from his script, glaring at the girl with rage.

"Like you do any better?" He asked, standing up from his sitting position, walking up to the group.

Emma's eyes went wide,  She knew this wasn't going to end up nicely.

As for Norman and Ayumi, they sighed. They knew this would happen any second they talk.

"Oh please. I know acting way more better than you. After all-" she trailed off.

She couldn't tell them, that she was acting all along.

To hide the truth, it was needed. She needed to act this way.

To be cold. And then act as if nothing happened.

She couldn't let anyone get closer to her much, making them feel like she cared.

But they didn't knew this.

"After all what? Cat got your tongue?" He smirked, walking closer to her.

The girl didn't say anything as she was walking back, glaring  at the boy who was not stopping from his little walk toward her.


She hit her back on the wall, not so gently.

She flinched as she looked around her surroundings,

Without both of their noticing, they were in the back of the main studio, the storage room.

Where was the others? She didnt know.
And by the looks of it, Ray didn't knew either, not like he cared tho.

He just wanted her to realize, he won't back off and then get the hell out there.


"Should we go help them?" Ayumi said, not getting a good feeling.

"Nah, let them be! They need to get good together!" Emma said, giggling as she grabbed both their hands.

"But Emma.." Norman tried saying, only to stop when Emma glared at his way,
"What? They need to get together! They obviously like each other! Don't you remember the part where they hugged at the scene? It felt so real. Like they were geniun about it!" She tried reasoning.

"But Emma, they both are good at acting too." Norman said, sighing.

But Emma wasn't backing off. She was going to make them get together.

Ayumi looked down for a bit, seemingly thinking something as her bangs covered her eyes.

"I'll be going." She said as she walked away, her armorly clothes still on her.

"Eh..?" The ginger said, titling her head,
'Did we do something wrong...wait- could it be-'

The ginger and the albino shared a look, they had notice it quiet a lot.

Whenever they shipped the revenette duo, thr red locks was always first to leave.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Norman?" She asked, looking at her friend in question.

"I suppose so.." he said, seemingly having hard time processing.

The duo thought, their mind puzzled.

'Could it be that Ayumi..likes Sam?'

Words: 882.

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