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If it wasn't for that day, they might have realized it.

"All hail to the new Queen!" They yelled,as the fifteen year old teen made her way through the red carpet. With a hint of a small smile.


Without anyone noticing too much, pair of dark green eyes watched her every move with a little frown on their face.

'She really changed.' They thought, sighing, as they watched the teen walk confidently through the crowd.

"I, now, announce you as the new Queen of the Neverland Kingdom!" The handler said, as he put the very elegant crown on the teens head, while she bowed her head.

"All hail the new Queen of Neverland!" The people chanted together as they pump their fist in the air, a joyish smile on their faces.

How happy they were to have the new Queen in their kingdom.

The daughter of two worthy rulers of all world.

They thought, their misfortune has gone.

Oh, how wrong they were.

The newly turned Queen, sat down on her throne, looking elegant as ever, with a proud yet gentle smile on her face.

"Hello, my lady." She looked up, meeting with a pair of dark green eyes as he bowed his head.

"I'm going to be your servant from now on. I hope you don't mind, my Lady." He said, his voice monotone, yet gentle.

Her eyes widen,putting a hand over her mouth,
'It can't be..'

"R-Ray?.." She shuttered, can't believe that he was here, standing in front of her after all this years.

"Yes. That's me." He smiled, albid shocked, he composed himself.

He didn't knew she remembered him. To him, he thought it was all a dream.

All those fun times. It was just a dream. A dream that will never come true.


"Ray..what would you say, if I tell you, I can't be friends with people with lower qualities then me?.." A certain dark brown eyes girl asked, her head resting on his shoulder, playing with a small flower in her hands as his hand was resting on her head, reading a book.

He hummed in confusion but then sighed, saying,
"Its true you can't be friends with someone who's lower than you..after all you are a princess."

"But, I don't wan't that at all!" She said, her cheecks rosy as she pauted.

To say the reven hair was shocked woud have been logical if it wasn't for the fact that he already knew.

He knew she didn't liked her status.

She hated all this comparing stuffs.

He for a fact, knew, that being in royalty contains a lot of presure.

How did he know? Well he have a literal royal child right here.

And by the looks of it, he could guessed how it was.

"It can't be helped..I guess. But why are you asking me this questions for?" He asked, his eyes soft and gentle as the wind blow slowly.

"They tell me to be friends with the other royal family children's! But I can't, I tried but they are boring. I can't even talk without being awkward. They are way too formal and i can't even do anything without being judged." She explained, sighing then putting her head back on his shoulder.

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