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'Could it be that Ayumi..likes Sam?'

The revenette was staring intensly at the guy in front of her.

He wasn't the guy she knew.

This version of him was something she never met.

To her, she had always seen him as a cool headed type.

But he was completely different right now.

He was smirking.

Since her back was pushed against the wall, it was easier for him to tower over her.

He was tall, yes.

Handsome? Yes.

Cute? When needs to, yes.

But now, he was looking like a beast, wanting to tear someone apart.

And that someone happened to be her.

"Ray. What do you think you are doing?" She asked, making herself look stern.

This version of him, scared her. For a fact, he would always fight with her, but that doesn't mean it ever happened like this.

"You really think you are the best huh?" He whispered, kneeling down so he could come face to face with the revenette.

She gulped. Trying to take deep breaths, her chest was feeling weird again.

Same as when it happened the time they hugged in the scene.

Her breath was coming uneven. Feeling suffocated when he came closer.

His hot breath hits her face, rather gently.

He wasn't going to let anyone, or rather, her. Since there's no-one else other than them in this dark room, to know that he's heart was also beating fast.

The room being dark, they couldn't see each others face much, so it was safe to say that their red face was not shown to each other.

{A/n: I'm tan so..i dont think I blush. But for the plot, it will be a yes. Thanks!}

"That's because I am better Ray." She sneered, wiggling around in hope to get out of this place.

But it was not work anymore, for the guy to put both his hands firmly on the wall, so she couldn't get out.

He came closer again, there body pressing together to creat a great amount of tension between the teens.

{A/n: whats social distancing?  donno her✋}

Her breath hitched as she felt his upper body pressed againest her, her chest doing the same with his.

"Sure you are. But not better than me." He whispered in her ears, this time more huskily.

Her eyes went wide, she could swear her heart was going to jump up if she doesnt move now.

"R-Ray.." She shuttered, tho she didn't mean to do it.

'Damn it! Why the fuck am I stuttering for..'

"Hm? Seems like someone's flusterd." He said, his voice soft yet vemonish.

She swore he was smirking widely now.

"Let me go." She said, firmly.

She wasnt going to let anyone make her feel this way.

Let alone a guy.

He hummed, seemingly thinking something, but then said,

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