Aug. 8, 2022 (8 am~12:29 pm)

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Death/Dying 101

The dream started out like how you would turn on a TV, with a paid program playing. And this program was talking about about dying. I will be explaining what I have learned through this dream. Hello and welcome to dying 101, where we teach you to not be scared of death. Here, we will show you certain ways of dying that can happen to anybody. The first is a bomb landing near your head. This bomb is instant death, simply because it'll decapitate your head. The next is a bomb landing on you. Same as the first, instant death. You will not feel much pain after the initial explosions. The next example we have is a car crash. In this car crash, all but one participant are wearing seatbelts and have crashed onto a building. Look at this one participant, while the rest have stayed in the car and have died instantly, this man was flown out of the vehicle. He is showing some signs of life, but it is quickly fading. If you are to become this type of man, you are in a lot of pain. The best way to die is to just close your eyes and follow that light... Do not fight death. While this man slowly dies, watch as his heart slows down and he accepts the sweet embrace of death. Death is not a scary thing... It's how you die that is the scary thing. This next death is caused by a bomb landing nearby but not making any direct contact with humans. This caused these men to be flown back, likely landing with a harsh impact on surfaces that will cause damage and pain. This man flew right into a corner of a wall, cracking his spine and causing a quick stabbing pain before his death. The other man was more close to the bomb and suffered from burns, debris flying, and the impact of it. This third man was the farthest away and had likely escaped death but he is in a lot of pain. His damage is ringing in his ears, debris flying, and colliding with the wall. He will live. Thank you for watching this program and please... Don't be afraid to die.

Notable moments
*It was like watching those old educational animations
*The death scenes in my head were very graphic

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