June 16, 2022(10 pm~2:20)

4 0 0

Alien training

So in this dream, it was a normal day. I was outside in a busy place, with many people out and about. There were many people pointing up at the sky and I looked up, watching in wonder and awe as these "stars" began to cluster together and move closer to earth. Eventually, these stars moved closer and it wasn't a normal looking star. It took on the shape of pirate ships. Not wanting to alarm anyone, I waved at the ships as they passed by, grinning widely as I can see people in the bottom level of the ships wave back. When the ships landed, normal looking humans came out, only to take me nside the ship along with a bunch of others. There was this one guy, who spoke like a local Hawaii resident, who was angry and was trying to start a fight with the aliens. He said that he saw them killing his sister and that he will get his revenge now. They eventually took him away. Inside the ship, I was escorted into a woman's bathroom with this uniform of a tank top and shorts. The bathrooms were short and small, so my head kinda peaked out at the top and it was a tight squeeze in there. While changing, I felt like someone was watching me so I looked up and saw this guy looking at me. I couldn't tell if he was human or alien, so I just went back to changing. There was this other girl, who was Filipino and short looking, that told the guy to scram. She told me that the male aliens don't know what a human girl looks like so they like to peep. After changing, I was escorted into another room where a bunch of humans seemed to be training or something. They told me to sign a bunch of things and that they'll tell me what to do when I finish.

Notable moments
-I don't know why I had this dream
-i feel really sick rn
-my head feels heavy

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