January 20, 2022 (1:00 pm~4:07 pm)

6 0 0

Myth becomes reality

This dream was about a mythical creature, kinda like a vampire. My grandpa and his friend (let's call him Bebop) we're hanging out in the garage, like any other day. They were talking about how my grandpa is just getting too old to go upstairs. Bebop said that he had a nightmare about something happening to my grandpa. He said that the manananggal, a vampire like creature in Philippine mythology, will attack my grandpa. My grandpa gets spooked but he doesn't believe Bebop. When Bebop is about to leave, my grandpa nearly falls down the stairs on him way upstairs to my grandparents part of the house. Bebop calls me and my sisters out to help my grandpa into my dad's room downstairs. All of a sudden, it begins raining and my sister says, "it wasn't supposed to rain. I hope my Uber eats gets here okay." Bebop looks at my sister and he looks very scared because of his dream. He says to not let the Uber eats lady inside or near us. Bebop, who is also an old man, tries to help close the windows, ordering me and my little sister to grab as many crosses to cover the windows and doors. After awhile we hear a car approaching. It's a white van that pulls into the driveway, blocking Bebop's car from exiting out. In the rain, I saw a lady step out and smile at me through the window. I duck away in fear because she had red beady looking eyes, sagging facial skin, and a twisted looking smile. My older sister was near the entrance door, not really knowing what's happening. When the lady said Uber eats, my sister was about to open the door before a loud screech sounded from the garage. Tearing of flesh can be heard before I heard these wings begin flapping. I peeked it from the curtains and saw as the Uber eats lady's body tear off from the waist. It's upper body has wings sprouting and she seemed to be drinking the blood from our stray cat. She said eye contact with me again before flying towards the window. Because our windows were built in a old plantation home type of way, the vampire lady only clawed through the first layer before facing the actual glass shutters. I told my sister's to protect our papa and Bebop while I tried to keep the vampire out. Then I woke up.

Notable moments
*Bebop visits my grandpa regular in the afternoon to talk story with him in real life
*The manananggal is a vampire like creature in Philippine mythology that can detach it's upper body from it's lower body. It's a blood sucker that usually preys on pregnant women, often using it's long tongue to suck a fetus' heart
*As I'm writing this, my grandpa and his friend is outside talking story

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