vance x reader - jealous waiter

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anyways back to the oneshot...

*timeskip to like when u guys can work*

Third person pov:

you went with your boy best friend, robin to your favorite restaurant.

why was it your favorite? it's because one the waiters there were super hot, vance hopper.

you walk in and are given your seats by a nice lady.

you and robin were looking at the menu until vance came up to your guy's table.

he looked pissed off but you just brushed it off since vance was always had a resting mean face. "what would guys like to order" he said in a rude tone.

it was strange to see him behave that way. he was always nice to you when you came alone.

as you were telling him your order you glanced up to look at him but he wasn't even looking in your direction, instead he was glaring robin.

after he wrote the orders he just angrily stormed off.

"is that vance?" robin asked putting his elbows on the table with his hands cupping his cheeks.

"yeah, but i don't know what's gotten into him today, he's never rude like that." you said which made robin laugh out loud.

"whatt?" you said rolling your eyes in an exaggerated tone.

"you seriously can't tell?" you give him a weird look and raise your eyebrow.

"he's obviously jealous that i'm with you today" he gives you a 'you're a fucking idiot' look

"pftt- as if" you say scoffing

"well, you wanna test that theory?" "how would we do that..?" you ask wondering what robin's plan now was.

robin explained to you that after vance served your guys food, you'll finish eating it then, while vance is on lunch break outside you and robin would go outside as well and start acting like a couple

you didn't want to do it at first but you wanted to see if vance had a reaction, i mean you did have a crush on him since middle school. you're just a chicken to confess.

*on vance's lunch break*

Y/n's pov:

we walked out to leave when i saw vance smoking a cigarette outside. i didn't know he smoked, i was disappointed i wanted to tell him he should quit but i have to focus on the main goal right now, get a reaction out of vance.

robin winked at me as a hint that we're starting the plan. robin suddenly started a script that i didn't know we were supposed to do so i just went along with it.

"good evening my love, i'm so glad i got to spend this night with you. i had so much fun on this date and i hope you did too."

"oh robin you're so sweet! i'm
so happy you took me to this restaurant, i've never even been here before!"

i said the last part a little louder so vance could hear me loud and clear, i glanced over to see him glaring at us, suddenly i noticed him walking over, my heart was racing.

"hey i don't know who you are but i need to talk to y/n alright?" vance said turning to robin.

he was taller then the both of us so vance intimidated robin. he just left giving me a 'youre on your own... wish you luck' kind of look and i was praying that nothing bad happened

we were still in the front of the restaurant so vance dragged me to the back. he then pinned me against the wall hovering over me.

"why the hell are you trying to act stupid for that little shit saying that you've never been here before?" he said in a rude tone. i didn't know what to say so i just  decided to tell him the truth.

"i'm sorry vance, it was just a prank. me and robin aren't on a date and we only did it to make you jealous!—" i said squirming around still being on the wall, i looked up to see him smirking.

"oh really, why'd you wanna make me jealous?" i blushed on how flirtatious he was being.

"do you like me y/n?" he looked like a lion about to hunt his prey.

"i mean there's no point in lying anymore so, yes vance i've liked you a lot. since middle school actually i was just way too nervous to confess because i was scared you wouldn't like me bac—" i just kept rambling until vance kissed me i wanted to melt on how hot my body felt.

"shut up..i love you idiot." he said in a raspy voice. moving one of his arms to latch onto my waist, pulling me closer to him. i wrapped my arms around his shoulders deepening the kiss until a timer started going off.

"fuck..i gotta go back, but i'll just go in later, i'm finishing what i started." he winked and continued to
make out with me 🧎‍♀️.

the end <3

a/n: finally found how to watch the black phone again without having to pay 😭🙏

words: 866

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