finney x reader - love letters

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Y/n pov:

it was near valentine's day and i've been getting love letters from someone everyday in my locker for 2 weeks straight, it was sweet but i really want to know who's writing such things about me.

i opened my locker to see another letter but this time it came with my favorite chocolate, i was with my best friend gwen as she started smirking "ooo y/n has a secret admirer! i wonder who it is." she said getting out her own stuff. "yeah, i hope they say something soon i mean valentine's day is just around the corner."

"yup! in 2 days, are you excited?" she turned to me "i guess? i mean i have nothing to look forward too." i laughed "of course you do! what if your secret admirer admits who they are! do you have anyone in mind of who it could be?" she asked and it felt like i was in an interview.

"nope, but i do hope it's a certain someone.. i doubt it though." i say disappointed "who's the lucky guy?" gwen asked me with curious eyes, no way i'm telling her i have the biggest crush on her brother...yet. i'm thinking about telling her tomorrow "i'll tell you later. anyways i gotta get going to class, see you gwen!" "bye!"

*in class*

i had science first period and i sat behind finney, i've had a crush on him forever. since we had a substitute, i decided to read my love letter, it read...

Dear y/n,

Everytime you smile at me, my heart skips a beat, seeing you has become the best part of my day. i can't help but notice how perfect we are for each other. you can light up a whole room by just being there with your presence. i've loved you since forever and i'm planning on revealing who i am soon, i love you so very much.

love, your secret admirer <3

i blush on how well this person knows exactly how to make me flustered. i notice finney turn around and i quickly put away the note but he saw me. "hey y/n, what do you have in your hands?"

"oh just um a silly old letter, for m-my friend! yeah.." i awkwardly laugh "oh, is that so? can i look, if you don't mind." i didn't wanna be rude so i just gave finney the note, he read it and smiled

"i didn't know you had a secret admirer y/n, i wonder who it is." he chuckled, i started playing with the end of my shirt embarrassed. "you should tell me who it is when they do reveal themselves. when do you think they'll end up doing it?" finney says continuing the conversation.

he was weirdly invested in this..but as long as i'm talking to him it's okay.

"i think they would do it on valentine's day, i'm not sure though. i have no idea who it could be..i want it to be one person though, i don't think he feels the same way." i overshared way too much. i saw finney smirking "who is it?" he asked eagerly

"um..nobody!" i said embarrassed putting my head down on my desk. he laughed and said i don't have to tell him.

*next day*

i open my locker again but i didn't see anything new. i was confused but i should've known, nobody would waste their time on stupid gifts just for me. i was just thinking about random stuff that i'll do later on today when finney suddenly came up to me.

he leaned against the locker next to mines and greeted me "hey y/n, how are you?" he started small talk which i continued. " you have any plans for valentine's day?" he asked me, i felt my cheeks flush pink. "no sadly i don't" i laughed awkwardly, this was so embarrassing.

"really? you're super pretty, i'm surprised nobody has asked you out yet." my eyes widened by his sudden comment, he apologized "oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" "no it's fine, thank you!" i waved my hands in a weird gesture, i really didn't know how to react.

"ha anyways, i was wondering if you wanted to go to a cafe with me tomorrow."  "i would love to go!..i mean yeah sure" i tried to act cool but ended up looking stupid in the end.

"great! we can meet up at around 5:30, is that alright?" i agreed and he left while i was freaking out, gwen came to me from talking to her other friends. i told her everything that just happened. she was shocked i liked finney at first, but she said we'd be a cute couple.

*next day, valentine's day*

i was getting ready to go with finney i was super shaky i almost messed up my makeup. i put on my favorite outfit and shoes and was on my way out the door. i said goodbye to my family and rode my bike over there.

i 'parked' my bike on the bicycle rack. i entered the cafe to see finney already sitting at a table. i waved my hand to get his attention and i sat across from him.

"hey y/n, you look gorgeous" he smiled, it was just a nice compliment but i started blushing so much, i couldn't even get out a word "t-thank you!" i said stammering with my words. he laughed, we talked which seemed like forever.

"y/n, i have something important to tell you"

"yes?" i asked then taking a sip from the drink i had ordered.

"you know all those letters you've been receiving for the past 2 weeks?" he asked making eye contact with me, i was anxious and started fidgeting with my jewelry.

"what about them?.." i asked in a low voice

" was all me, i didn't reveal it yesterday because i was way too nervous. i really hope you'd like to be my girlfriend, i love you so much and i don't know what i'd do without you."

"oh wow finney i-..i didn't know you could be so sweet with your words, i've liked you for a while too and i'm so happy you were the one behind all of that, i was hoping you were." i smiled reaching out for finney's hand.

"god, i adore you so much y/n." finney looked at me with loving eyes "so does this make us..girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"of course love" he smirked while winking at me and i started blushed immediately.

the end <3

words: 1118

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