x. meanwhile, frank goes on a murder spree (no, really, he actually does)

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━chapter ten,❝meanwhile, frank goes on a murder spree! (no, really, he actually does)❞『F R A N K』

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chapter ten,
❝meanwhile, frank goes on a murder spree!
(no, really, he actually does)❞

━━━They barely make it inside.

     As soon as their host throws the bolts, the cow monsters bellow and slam into the door, making it shudder on its hinges.

     "Oh, they can't get in," the man in denim promises. "You're safe now!"

     "Safe?" Frank demands. "Hazel is dying!"

     Their host frowns as if he doesn't appreciate Frank ruining his good mood. "Yes, yes. Bring her this way."

     Frank carries Hazel as they follow the man farther into the building. Nico offers to help, but Frank doesn't need it. Hazel weighs nothing, and Frank's body hums with adrenaline. He can feel Hazel shivering, so at least he knows she was alive; but her skin was cold. Her lips have taken on a greenish tinge━or is that just Frank's blurry vision?

     His eyes still burn from the monster's breath. His lungs feel like he'd inhaled a flaming cabbage. He doesn't know why the gas had affected him less than it had Hazel. Maybe she'd gotten more of it in her lungs. He would give anything to change places if it meant saving her.

     The voices of Mars and Ares yell in his head, urging him to kill Nico and the man in denim and anyone else he can find, but Frank forces down the noise.

     The house's front room is some sort of greenhouse. The walls are lined with tables of plant trays under fluorescent lights. The air smells of fertilizer solution. Maybe Venetians did their gardening inside since they are surrounded by water instead of soil? Frank isn't sure, but he doesn't spend much time worrying about it.

     The back room looks like a combination garage, college dorm, and computer lab. Against the left wall glows a bank of servers and laptops, their screen savers flashing pictures of plowed fields and tractors. Against the right wall sits a single bed, a messy desk, and an open wardrobe filled with extra denim clothes and a stack of farm implements, like pitchforks and rakes.

     The back wall is a huge garage door. Parked next to it is a red-and-gold chariot with an open carriage and a single axle, like the chariots Frank had raced at Camp Jupiter. Sprouting from the sides of the driver's box are giant feathery wings. Wrapped around the rim of the left wheel, a spotted python snores loudly. Frank hadn't known that pythons could snore. He hopes he hadn't done that himself in python form last night.

     "Set your friend here," says the man in denim.

     Frank places Hazel gently on the bed. He removes her sword and tries to make her comfortable, but she is as limp as a scarecrow. Her complexion definitely has a greenish tint.

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