iii. regina maximus's life is an actual shit show

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tw: intrusive thoughts

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tw: intrusive thoughts

chapter three,
❝regina maximus's life is an actual shit show!

━━━Nine days.

     As Regina Maximus falls, she thinks about Hesiod, the old Greek poet who had once speculated it would take nine days for an anvil to fall from earth to Tartarus. An anvil typically weighs between seventy-five and five hundred pounds ━ and Regina is about one hundred thirty, herself. She wonders if Hesiod had been right.

     It certainly feels like it. Of course, she hopes he's wrong. But she's lost track of how long she's been falling━an hour? A day? Perhaps an eternity. Time works differently in the underworld. She's been alone, surrounded by nothing but darkness, with only her thoughts to keep her company.

     What wonderful company they were (not.).

     The wind whistles in Regina's ears. The air grows damper and hotter, much to her distaste as she hates humidity and sweating in general. She can't tell if she's still wrapped in spiderwebs.

     That stupid fucking monster Arachne. Regina doesn't want to imagine that the cursed bitch is beneath her somewhere, waiting to devour her alive. On the bright side, assuming there is a bottom to this highway to hell, she'll be flattened upon impact. So, giant spiders should be the least of her worries.

     Regina Maximus's life is a shit show. Confirmed by, yours truly, Regina herself. She's found herself waking up recently and groaning, thinking, Gods, not this again. Couldn't she just sleep for, like, another twenty or so hours? Maybe a few months? Or━maybe━the rest of her life?

     Then, she'd see Hazel's face, and she'd think, Okay, fine, it's worth it.

     Hazel Levesque. The girl fills her brain as she falls. If Regina closes her eyes, she almost feels like Hazel has wrapped herself around her again, snuggling her face into Regina's neck. (This... may or may not have occurred... one or two or five times since the quest began). Regina smiles━yes, visibly smiles━as she falls to hell, thinking of her and Hazel trying (and failing) to dance in her room like people in the 40s just a week ago. She thinks of all of the hushed conversations, the hand holdings, the glances at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

     She thinks of Hazel and Leo, as Leo looks just like Hazel's former lover, Sammy, have this tension between them. Regina had almost questioned Hazel, asked her about her feelings toward the son of Hephaestus, but her chest would tighten. She could never imagine Hazel and Leo together, but the thought would make her want to cry. She remembers crying into her pillow several times during the start of the trip, feeling stupid and childish as she did so.

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