iv. valentina can't stop dying (or almost dying)

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━chapter four,❝valentina can't stop dying! (or almost dying)❞『V A L E N T I N A』

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chapter four,
❝valentina can't stop dying!
(or almost dying)❞

━━━Valentina feels like she's dead again.

When she died the first time━not even a week ago━she had felt this extreme pain in her back (later she found out it was from a spear slicing through her chest). Her life had flashed before her eyes━literally. She had thought about everything up until her life before then, all the laughter and all the pain she'd been holding in.

The same thing happens this time. Now, it's worse.

She remembers Romeo above her, holding his shirt against her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. She remembers his terrified face. She remembers seeing glimpses, through her blurred vision, of Regina running into the fire and tackling the boy who did all of this━Leo Valdez. She remembers hearing another explosion go off, making her eyes water with tears, and she remembers Romeo turning around and looking horrified.

She remembers looking and━a curse from the gods━having her vision clear for a moment. Just long enough for her to see a burning villa. From Romeo's face and Regina's sobs, she had known it was her family villa. Her dad had been in there. Her uncle and aunt, too. And all of the servants. They could all be dead.

I did this, she thinks as she shuts her eyes, not able to take her eyes off the villa. I failed my people. I failed my family. I failed my dad.

When she shut her eyes, she's relieved to be dead.

Then she wakes up.

Of course, Valentina thinks. The Fates wouldn't let me off that easily. I don't deserve to be let off that easily.

     Someone gasps from beside her, sitting up. The face of her cousin Romeo enters her view━his usually dark gaze suddenly filling with happiness as she wakes. He moves, leaning down to where she cannot see, pours something, and then sits it on a table beside her.

     "Don't try to speak," he tells her quietly. "Here." He helps her sit up. She feels an annoying pain in her abdomen, but she feels like she could walk if she really wanted to.

     He lifts a goblet to her lips. "Nectar," he says. "It helped Jason. It'll help you, too."

     Valentina allows herself to drink. She expects it to taste like acid, but it ends up tasting like a strawberry milkshake from her favorite diner in New Rome. She almost cries at the taste. It makes her homesick. It makes her remember when her life was sort of normal. She wishes she could go back to that time.

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