vi. the super-sized mcshizzle, leo valdez, bad boy supreme

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━chapter six,❝the super-sized mcshizzle, leo valdez,bad boy supreme!❞『L E O』

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chapter six,
❝the super-sized mcshizzle, leo valdez,
bad boy supreme!

━━━Along the way, Leo hears Hazel ask Regina, "Who's Bryce Lawrence?"

Leo couldn't care less about the guy or whatever he did to make Regina upset.

He can tell the daughter of Minerva is anxious to talk about it, as though she might accidentally say something too much. "It's complicated," she says, "but he was Valentina's ex-boyfriend."

Okay, now Leo is a little bit interested (a little bit is an understatement). He almost asks a question, but he stops himself. She wouldn't answer him. Let Hazel ask the questions.

"What did he do?" Hazel asks.

"Bad things," says Regina. "Reyna managed to get him kicked out of camp, but... well, the whole situation messed with Valentina's head. She was upset for a while. I wanted to kill Bryce for what he made her go through."

Hazel seems to realize how touchy of a subject it is. She asks Leo, "Who's Aunt Rosa?"

Leo isn't sure if he wants to talk about it with Regina Maximus listening. Besides, Nemesis's words are still buzzing in his ears. His tool belt seems heavier since he'd put the cookie in there━which is impossible. Its pockets could carry anything without adding extra weight. Even the most fragile things would never break. But Leo imagines he can feel it in there, dragging him down.

"Long story," he says. "She abandoned me after my mom died, gave me to foster care."

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well..." Leo is anxious to change the subject. "What about you? What Nemesis said about your brother?"

Hazel blinks as if she'd gotten salt in her eyes. "Nico... He found me in the underworld. He brought me back to the mortal world and convinced the Romans to accept me. I owe him for my second chance at life. If Nemesis is right and Nico is in danger, then I have to help him."

"Of course," says Regina.

The idea makes Leo uneasy. He doubts the revenge goddess ever advised out of the goodness in her heart. "And what Nemesis said about your brother having six days to live, and Rome getting destroyed... Any idea what she meant?"

"None," Hazel admits. "But I'm afraid..."

Whatever she's thinking, she decides not to share it. She climbs one of the largest boulders to get a view. Regina climbs up next to her. Leo tries to follow and loses his balance. Hazel catches his hand. She pulls him up and they find themselves atop the rock, holding hands, face-to-face.

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