Chapter 13

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Three months later 

Ranboo POV:

The moonlight shines in through the minimal window, revealing the mess in the train's cargo hold. Torn cardboard boxes litter the floor, and wooden boxes are stacked on top of each other in no order whatsoever.

I don't know exactly what is being shipped, but I think it is some kind of engines and oil that is in the boxes, given the pungent smell. Even though I've probably been here for several hours, it still lingers like an irritated scent in the air.

I suddenly feel a painful tug on my tail, and I turn around with a grimace.
"Can you take it easy? That hurt," I complain to Tommy.
The Phoenix Hybrid lets go of my tail and looks at me guiltily, so I quickly add:
"It's okay, you can continue if you want."
Tommy smiles and returns to the task of braiding the little tassel on my tail tip.

The cage we are sitting in is not in the least adapted to be comfortable. It is shaped like a cube, with metal grids all over. There is a small mesh door at one end, but during the trip I didn't even try to break out. The locking device is not something you can open by force, but some electrical thing. 
Our cage stands against the wall inside the cargo area of ​​a train, on its way to the hybrid action. I wonder if there are any passengers on the train, and if they know that two hybrids are on the same vehicle and are being treated like infected animals.

I look up at the small window. The moon has disappeared into the clouds, but you can still make out the shadowy shapes of the trees outside. I would give anything to sink through the wall and into the open landscape outside. Even though I lived so far away from the nearest neighbor, I was usually not allowed to go out for my mother, especially not during the day. That didn't mean I always obeyed her.

No, I remind myself. Don't think about anything personal. You were careless, and that became your penalty. You will never get your old life back, so stop missing it.

I turn my attention back to Tommy. He has finished braiding my tail, and when he notices that I'm looking at him, he lights up. He points first at me, then at his mouth, then at himself, then smiles a questioning smile. After the hybrid hunters nearly suffocated him, he has been mute. Since I can't read lips and it gets confusing decipher him writing letters in the air, Tommy mostly uses gestures.

I let out a sigh. "You already know every single one."

The translation of the gesture he made is roughly: "Can you tell me a story?" Ever since Tommy first became mute, I've been telling a little bit about myself every night, to calm him down. The  problem is that now I don't know what to tell him. After several months of telling who I am and allmy memories from my past, it feels as if Tommy already knows everything about me.

Tommy smiles an okay-smile before he snaps his fingers, meaning that he wants my attention. When he's sure he has my full attention, he cups his hands. He frowned, looking intensively on his palm. A shudder ran through his skinny body, and I could see him sweating from the effort to... do what?

I open my mouth to ask Tommy to stop whatever he's doing, but I don't have time. I glimpse a small spark in the absence of moonlight, but when I look at Tommy's hands, it's gone.

You're just tired, I tell myself. You have been awake since dawn. But I could have sworn...

A flicker breaks the darkness, and then a small flame rises from Tommy's hand. He lets it burn for a few seconds, before letting it die out. Then he looks at my surprised face and smiles tired smile.

"Could you do this the whole time we were in captivity?!" I asks dismayed. 
Tommy shakes his head vioently. 
"Are you eable to do it again?"
Tommy shrugs. 
"Maby you need to rest first," I pondering. "Yeah, I think you'll need some relaxation."
Tommy didn't protest. 

My brain is going at full speed. If Tommy can, albeit with some difficulty, create fire, then we should be able to get out.
My 'plan' was wild as it was dangerous. If Tommy first burnt the electric locker, it'd hopefully break and unlock itself, letting us out in the wagon. Since the window was to small for us to go through, Tommy needed to light a car enegin on fire to make it expload, and hopefully bow up a hole in the wall for us to escape through.
It was a risky plan. I didn't dare counting everything that could go wrong. But if I didn't use the chanse that had been given me, we would be doomed too slavery. 

I turned to Tommy. It looked like he was trying to relax, but failed miserably. 
"Tommy, I think I have a plan how to get out," I started. My voice sounded shakier than I was comfortable with. 
And then I told him about my plan. I did mention that the idea was risky, but Tommy didn't seem to pay attention to that. He stood up and walked to the mesh door, and stuck his fingers through the net. The lock itself was out of reach, but Tommy stretched his fingers as close to it as he could. Then, after a few seconds of effort, a flame appeared, bigger than last time. After a few seconds, the little machine started to crackle and smoke, and I heard a clicking sound. The lock had gone up.

Tommy was first out off the cage. He looked around in the traincar, as if he just realized he wasn't in the cell anymore. He took a few steps before he sank down on one of the boxes. The few secons of making a fire seemed to have made him completley exhausted. I walked out and sat down next to him. 
"Tommy?" I whispered. 
He looked up on me with a tired expression in face. Surley he was hungry, we hadn't gotten food since before we got to the train station.
  I smiled a bright smile at Tommy and hugged him. 
"You're the best person I've ever met," I whispered to him.


What? Oh, did I forget to mention that? I like to make my characters blow stuff up in almost every story I make, cuz it's such a good way to cause a distraction. (No I'm not a phyromane)

 I was going to put in more content in this, but I realized it already was long enough. Ehh...  Word Counter: 1120

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