now this is where the fun begins

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Okay, deep down in your hearts you all knew this would come. 
Here ends pandas saga. 
The chapters have been safe to read.
Until now.
If you continue reading, it's on your own risk.

Was that dramatic? I didn't mean to. 
But I had a point, didn't I? All 12 chapters is my edited version of pandas, and even though I've developed a lot of events and details and sent as many to the trashcan, the story have been pandas. 
But, I adopted it. And now it's mine :]

What was I saying? Oh yeah, the upcoming chapters are all written from the start, so the saga will be written differently.  I think I'm gonna try to do some different POV's now, cuz I feel like panda had mostly written in Tommy's Pov. (okay Wilbur was there 2 times)
Concerning Techno's death, were all must go on. I'm going to mention him more in his story, but he won't die. Technoblade never dies. 

And a new character is coming up, the mysterious shapeshifter I wrote about in the beginning, the one that you surely forgot about.  

Stuff to explain the story thing that never will make sense
 - Tommy is not really aware of his powers bc he haven't leared to use them

Well, I surely forgot something too when I write this. Hopefully I'll remember it before I publish this. 

I love you all guys and I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming chapters alot, and you should know that you really make my day :D <3

 -   da_internet_cat

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