Chapter 7

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Tommy's POV

I wake up in a dark room with stone walls. I was dressed in my own clothes, but I noticed at once that the tracker on my back was gone. I sighed in relief.
But now to the room. It wasn't cold, but not really warm either. I could hardly see anything but complete darkness, and the only sound to break the silence was my own breaths. 
Or, until I hears footsteps coming closer and saw something that must be a door swing open. In front of me stood a man. I recognized him as one of the men that had hunted me down. The voices started go like crazy. 
You got kidnapped
Well done
What are we going to do now
Kill that person
They're no good
They'll kill you

I stared at the person with red light glowing from my eyes, as it allways did when I was angry. 
"Calm down or there will be consequenses, bird," the man said, as if he talked to a dog. 
Who does he think hes talking to
What a little shit
I slowly breathed in and out, calming the voices. I gatherd myself before I spat out:
"What do you want from me?"
"Your feathers," said the man, like it was obvious. 

My feathers? I thought as I tried to relax when the man walked up to me and started to plucked my wings, one feather at a time. I tried to not flinch every time he riped one out, but it was hard. When the man had about ten small feathers he walked out again an closed the door. I expected a click of the door locking, but it never came. I tried to stand, but I fell down on the floor again. I look down on my ankles, and see that they are chained to the wall. 
The bird is caged
Your days are counted

"CAN YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE!!!" I shouted at the voices, but they kept talking. I yelled at them until the same guy came back again. I never realized what he did, but after a second my vision went black again and I pass out. 

In a part of my consciousness, I remember something. A promise.
"Oh dad, I'm so sorry. I didn't have my watch on me. I promise I won't stay out that long ever again."


Word counter: 431
Okay, so I've been struggeling with lack of motivation, but then I looked on the statistics on this story. Like, THANK YOU ALL GUYS for being here. Even if you don't comment or vote, it's still huge for me to have an audience, (even though it may not be that many people) who reads my adopted story. I couldn't  have been happier if I'd won a 100 dollars. 

ily you guys with all my heart <3 :D
  -  da_internet_cat

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