Chapter 1

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Tommy's POV

Today was like any other day. I would help out on our house and do my chores and all of that more or less boring stuff. But when the evening came, I was finnaly let outside. 

You see, I'm a Phoenix hybrid. The Phoenixes tears and feathers is very useful for magic and potions and stuff like that, and the fact that Phoenix hybrids are very rare, (I think there's just 1 or 2 of us that are known existing, me being one of them) makes our tears and feathers very valuable. My family, consisting of me, my two brothers and my dad, is one of the most feared hubrids by the humans, because we have The Blood God and The Angel of Death, as the humans like to call Technoblade and Phil.

I walk out of the house and take off with a little bit of difficulty, I got injured yesterday. It won't keep me from flying, I thought, but the voices had aldedy caught up on the subject. 
They are going to pay for that
Track 'em, find 'em, kill 'em
No one gets away with hurting a Phoenix

My family have some sort of curse that makes us hear voices. The voices says different things most of the time, and they grow lower and louder depending on what you're doing and thinking. 

I was now walking down the path to meet Tubbo, my best friend. I saw him over in our little Secret Place. It wasn't really that secret or special, just a hill with an old oak tree and a nice bench under, but it was special to us. As quiet as I can, I run up beside Tubbo. 
"Hi Tubs, how's it been?" I say. 
Tubbo looks over to me and smiles, but I can see a sad expression in his eyes. He skakes his big bee-wings and answers:
"I've been better."
I smile back but inside me I start thinking about what happend with him, but decide to not push the question. I sit down beside him on the bench and look up in the sky. The stars are really beatiful tonight, and as long as the firmament reaches, not a cloud are too be seen. 

As Tubbo doesn't seem to wanna talk, we just sit there for hours, looking at the stars. I try to remember the star constellations, but every single one slips out of my memory just before I remember their name. When the sky turns brighter and the sun suddenly rises, I turn to Tubbo. 
"Hey Tubs," I say quietly. 
"Yeah," he responds, looking back at me. 
"It's sunrise. I have to go home," I say with a little bit of sadness in my voice. 
"It's okay Tommy. I'll se you later tonight." I can feel Tubbos soft eyes on my back as I walk back to my house in the warm September night. 

As soon as I got inside the front door I was greeted by a hug from Phil, as he did almost every time I got back home. 
"Hey, I'm allways going to be here, no matter what. No one can take down the great TommyInnit," I say, trying to comforting him. 
 "I know, I just got really worried. Look at the time!" Phil answers in a low voice.
I looked at the big clock in our wall. It says 6.38 am. First I didn't know what he meant by that. Then it clicks in my mind. My cerfew was 4.00 am.
 "Oh dad, I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I didn't have my watch on me. I promise I won't stay out that long ever again."

A banging noise suddenly fills the house, and I see someone coming down the stairs. Within a second my older brother Wilbur is over me. First he gives me a big, hard hug, then he seems to gather himself. Wilbur puts both his hands on my shoulders, and then he yells in my face:
"Watch the time when you're out in the middle of the night!"
But he sounds more afraid then angry. 
"Guys, I'm fine, no one's injured," I start, but both Philza and Wilbur start to hug me again, harder this time. 


Hope you liked the chapter and I wish you'll have a nice day/ night
Word counter: 713

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