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"The first princess Henrietta le Clair died at the age of eight, right?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest.

I noticed some of them frowning, while my cousins and uncle remained silent. How odd.

"Or did she not?" I added, tilting my head a little to the side. I'm starting to wonder again if uncle's story from last time were all true since I have no knowledge about the first princess.

"Your highness, if I remember correctly, the first princess died at the age of 10." Keita's eyebrows creased as he answered me.

"But someone told me that she died at the age of eight, during our 8th birthday," I said, turning my head to uncle.

Uncle didn't look worried nor fazed, he seemed calm. I'm not even surprised about this, but did he purposely lie to me?

I was starting to doubt him, but then, a specific flashback of the original novel flashed right on my mind. Right, he's protecting the truth about the second princess' identity. I mean, that should be it. The truth about her father isn't revealed yet to the whole empire at this time, but a few trusted people already know about this.

"Other than that, can any of you speak about her? Or is it taboo that we're talking about the first princess right now?" I tried remembering some of the parts before, and as far as I can recall, everything's been changed. I can't even recall about the main villain having a twin. What I only remember was her changes of personalities when she reached 18, when she started revealing her hostility.

No, at this point, I can't really base the current timeline to what I've read before. Maybe I can use some of it, but I can't use it as a reference anymore. This time, all of it is real, and I could die any moment if I let my guard down that easily. I should prepare myself and figure things out with what I can find about this body's past and her twin sister.

What's even bothering me is the fact that uncle and my cousins are staying silent throughout this meeting. I'm running out of patience, I might as well run around the garden than suffocate myself in here. Damn this.

All of you... what are you trying to hide and protect?

It was as if a light bulb had popped on my head and an idea came spreading across my anxious mind. If I can't make them talk because of what they're protecting, then I should use it against them.

"I, the second princess, is not a daughter of the late emperor. Am I right, uncle?" I clenched my fists on my lap as I look at him.

It was pretty much a gamble to begin with, but it seems that I was right. Uncle's shocked reaction's giving everything away. Even my cousins flinched from their seats.

"Is this what all of you are scared of? That I might find out that I'm not the late emperor's daughter and that I might scar myself with this truth."

"But your highness, you are the late empress' daughter!" Keita said as if he was defending my blood.

I know, Keita. I know.

"The late empress is my birth mother; you are correct, but my father is not the emperor. Isn't that right, Grand Duke, no, father?"

From their reactions, only Keita was surprised to hear my words, while the rest looked guilty. Are they trusted people who know about your secret, father?

I only knew about this from the evil empress' backstory, but it was Astraeus who confirmed it one night when I woke up from a nightmare.

Her mother, the late Empress Avery was the Grand Duke's lover─former lover. But the crown prince, the late emperor, that time was also in love with Avery. He assaulted her, which is why they both ended up marrying each other.

And for revenge, Avery mustered up the courage for 3 years and seduced her former lover. At first, I wasn't convinced that it was highly possible, but if you'll think about it; the age gap between my cousins and me are only 2 or 3 years apart. Additionally, a twin phenomenon would be possible for that case if Avery was already pregnant during that intercourse.

In the other world, it will be diagnosed as "Superfecundation," the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse. I know this because I've been studying diligently before when I was alive as Mr. Lee.

However, I still can't get through the reason for Amethyst's mistreatment. A piece is still missing, and that is this body's past memories.

It took longer than I expected before he finally decided to speak. Everyone remained silent and observant as the Grand Duke stood up and walked closer to me. He falls on one knee in front of me and rests his right arm on his protruding knee.

"Amethyst." It's the first time he called me by that name. I felt a weird sensation fluttering on my chest as I look up to him. He looked tired and worn out when you looked at him closely. Were you worried for me?

"How did you find out about that? Only a few trusted persons knew that truth, even your other relatives were oblivious about it. Did someone tell you?" He asked, his voice sounded weird. Good weird.

I smiled a little and released the tension I was holding on my hands. "Are you admitting that I'm right? Were you worried that I might hate you?" I can't tell him that Astraeus helped me. But for some reasons, a familiar emotion filled me. I could feel the warmth spreading up to my face.

My eyes felt stingy. I clenched my jaw as I try to stop the tears that's threatening my eyes. Hold back. We need to finish the meeting first.

"We can continue this conversation later. We need to discuss the matter about the first princess first. Please take a seat." I may sound cold, but everyone's safety is my top priority.

Finally, everyone had started talking about what they knew about the first princess before she died. The atmosphere was weirdly lighter than earlier as well. I'm not sure, I just feel like a thorn has been removed from their throats.

"The former Arcadian Master disappeared with the first princess' body. They hid in the Crimson Forest and the former master lived there until his last breath. That is the only thing I know since he blocked the path of my mana that's connected with him. The last thing I heard from him before he lost his essence was about the bad omen that will fall on this empire," Astraeus said. It was the same information that he told me back at Talares Nation.

Everyone seemed curious and worried about the bad omen that Astraeus mentioned. I motioned for him to continue.

"The first and the second princess will be the cause and the end of a chaos that will soon befall this empire. To simplify, one must die."

I felt a rush of coldness hugging my neck that I quickly wrap my hand around it. My eyes widened as I look down the floor, a flash of scenes played right before my eyes, the execution of myself.

I don't want to die yet. But could it be...

I clenched my other hand that's placed on my lap, as if I was grabbing on to a thin thread of resolve. Dead people should rest in their graves. I can't be the one dying for someone who's already dead in the first place.

"If my sister is really alive, then I shall kill her. We can't let the balance of life be ruined just because a dead person can't rest in peace." I could feel my body flaring with firm resolve that holds not only my future, but also the future of this empire.

This time, I won't let anything, or anyone drags me down with their selfishness.

─── 𖥸 ───

The meeting ended after discussing a few countermeasures that we need to conduct. I requested to increase the security within the Kingdom and the Palaces. I also requested for Sir Shotaro and a few knights to conduct a secret search party to find out anything about the first princess' whereabouts.

Hendrix was tasked to investigate everyone within the palace, including the imperial court. Arthur did the paperwork befitting him and to find out about Aurelius' connection with the first princess. Keita was tasked to remain by my side and fulfill his duty as my personal knight. While Astraeus and the Grand Duke will conduct a short ceremony today to officially proclaim him as my personal mage. He was supposed to be the Head of the Imperial Magicians, but he declined by saying;

"Another one like me will appear in the near future and he will be the rightful person to become the Head of the Imperial Magicians."

We didn't try to persuade him after that and gave him another title as my personal mage instead. I gave everyone a break for three days before they fulfill their tasks and I was left in uncle's office. He instructed me to wait for him since we will discuss a few matters that we couldn't discuss earlier.

I think that's about the parenting case. I kinda feel awkward just by remembering my act earlier. I can't even tell them that Astraeus verified those information a few nights before the meeting. Thanks to his power that I was able to confirm it and use it as an upper hand to make them talk.

Maybe I should ask more about the future.

I decided to remain seated and used my eyes to look around instead. The Grand Duke's office looked serious, just like him. The wallpapers on the wall looked plain, but calming. His walls are also decorated with a few paintings with gold frames. I suddenly want an office like this, but do I want it in pink or purple?

"You looked like you're thinking of something so deeply."

I quickly stood up as I heard uncle's voice. I held on to the side of my dress, but he stopped me right away before I could greet him.

"You're acting too formal. Are you awkward with us now?" It was Arthur and beside him was Hendrix.

I didn't even notice this two. I smiled at them then sat down. "No. I was only greeting uncle, not the two of you."

They took a seat on the couch in front of me, and they looked at me in a serious way like I was being interviewed. "Amethyst, about earlier... Everything you said was true. I have my own reasons for doing what I did way before, but I am yet to reveal them. Can you wait for the right time until I can tell everything to you?"

He became softer and his tone became gentler.

"In spite of my shortcomings, remain calling me uncle. Until I can free you from that stifling past. I will repent by depriving myself from my daughter's affection."

He looked sadder than before as well. Why would you do such a thing?

"Is this your way to atone for neglecting your own daughter? If that's the case, then aren't you doing it incorrectly?" A soft smile perked up the side of my lips as I look at the three of them.

They all look guilty that they ignored and bullied the past Amethyst before. I'm not sure, but isn't being guilty and wanting to atone enough for me to forgive them? I'm not a god or a goddess to punish them anyway.

"If you want to atone, then shouldn't you treat the victim in a much affectionate way to gain them back? Shouldn't you be taking care of me instead of distancing yourself from me, father? Don't my brothers agree with me as well?" I'm not the real Amethyst, that's what I know. But right now, I have the power to free people from this sadness.

Maybe I have no right to forgive them, but the lack of a family's affection can still tarnish a child's mental health. And I should take care of my health if I'd have to fight for myself and for everyone.

The three of them looked hesitant at first. I'm not so sure, but I guess I'm starting to learn how to care for others because of the loneliness that's lurking inside me. I'm too scared to be consumed by it that I'd be needing their help.

"I didn't realize it quickly, but you have become more mature these days. I know you won't forgive us that easily, but I'm thankful that you're giving us a second chance to become a part of our family." He looked like someone who's about to cry his heart out.

"I'll treat you even better than before, my cute little sister," Arthur said as he transferred to the couch I was sitting on. He hugged me tightly, and I laughed at his cute actions.

I glanced at Hendrix, and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was looking at us with his sulky face. I stretched my arm towards him, motioning for him to come closer as well, which he did.

Having a family feels really nice. And I won't let anyone take this away from me.

─── 𖥸 ───


After a short vacation, I have been informed that my course of education will change to continue my training for my future duties. My subjects were divided with the four mentors that will officially teach me, and Astraeus will be one of them. I wonder, which subject will he teach me?

I carried my notebook and pen as I went on my way to my study room to meet my first mentor. My brothers said that he was the current chancellor of the empire, but I shouldn't worry too much since he'll be teaching me like a real student [and not some fancy princess].

I stopped in front of the door and knocked a couple of times before entering. A tall man with long, yellow hair was standing in front of the board. He wore a long dress-like coat in the shade of navy blue. If they didn't tell me about his gender then I might've mistaken him as a girl because of how pretty his long, yellow hair looked.

He didn't seem to notice my presence as he remained standing in front of the board, as if he was busy writing something. I faked a cough to catch his attention and when I finally did, I introduced myself.

"I am Henrietta Amethyst le Clair. I'll be in your care from now on."

He had looked at me with those green eyes before he introduced himself. "I'm Count Simoun Fitzroy. I'll be teaching History, Philosophy, the Archaic and Holy Language to the princess. Please call me Chancellor Fitzroy or Sir Fitzroy, your highness." He didn't look cold. He even bowed his head in front of me, but there's something about him that's making me feel that he's thinking so little of me.

Is it because of his eye glasses that's making him look intimidating? Or is this what they call first impressions?

"We shall start our lessons today. Please take a seat now, princess."

Now that I think about it, he looks the same age as the Grand Duke.

"To start with our lessons here are the books that we will be studying," he said as he shows the thick-looking books that was sitting on his own desk. They looked huge enough to be used as a weapon to hit someone.

"I'm assuming that you already know the basics of the Holy Language and the Archaic Language. Have you studied the 'History of the Empire'? Did you read about the 'Divine Philosophy of Steins'? What about Marcus' Theories?" My eyes were wide and surprised as I watch him place the books in front of me with force.

Is he a madman for studying or what?!

I waited until he had calmed down before reluctantly answering. "Well, I've already finished the whole book that teaches the basic and intermediate course of the Archaic and Holy Language. I've read about the History of the Empire as well and read some of Steins' Theories and Mondelav's. I only read half of the books about the theories of Marcus since I had to stop due to a nosebleed."

'Will that be enough knowledge for him to teach me calmly?' I wondered as I look at him. I fidget in my seat as I saw his surprised reaction. Isn't that enough? Was I lacking after taking most of my stay in here by reading?

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now