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The next day came by like a flash. Everyone's busy preparing for an upcoming event, the Hunting Season that will happen 2 months from now. Uncle duke and my cousins approved it the other day. Other than that, we've already chosen the imperial guards that we will deploy to Talares Nation for Aurelius' upcoming coronation ceremony. Uncle will go with them since I'm still not allowed to visit the other nations.

The beliefs and ceremonials of Clareian Kingdom are totally different to the other nations, making it possible for Aurelius to take the King's throne at his current age. He's 17 by the way, and I didn't really think that he and Rowan's just the same age. That lousy brat.

Anyway, since everyone's busy, I was left to study alone with my remaining tutor Sir Nicholas in my study room. I asked uncle to allow me to learn magic, and he agreed right away saying that it's about time I learn something more to defend myself. Hmph.

"Princess, you don't have to speak with your mouth or chant with it, just feel the magic flowing inside of you and let your mind guide you for the right spell to use." Okay... "Now raise your hand, palm out and then focus. Let yourself be free."

I've been keeping this a secret, but I've started learning magic three days after arriving here. I was lucky enough to find books on the previous Henrietta's bookshelves in her old room. I only asked uncle for someone to teach me, so he won't be surprised if he ever finds out that I'm studying magic.

So, I did what Sir Nicholas instructed me to do and smiled as a purple-like string appeared above my palm, forming a ball of magic. It always amazes me how pretty my mana looks.

"You're doing well, princess. Now would you like to try making an object float?"

I grimaced at the thought, the last time I tried, I couldn't even control my magic and everything in my room floated for God knows how many hours that took.

But since he's here, I think everything should be fine.

A basic knowledge I learned while studying alone is that every person in every nation was bestowed with certain types of magic, but only the Imperial Family of le Clair has a special type of magic. It was because the goddess Amaranthine favored the le Clair family because of the first Imperial Empress Clara. I also found out that the goddess was the one who created the magical mage-hybrid, Solaris, the Phoenix and the protector of the empire.

This explains why the empire's official crest has a phoenix symbol spreading its wings. But the other mage who helped Emperor Augustus and Empress Avery before was a different one. He must be a descendant of the late Solaris. It didn't really say anything about him being a descendant. I just assumed since the book said that Solaris vanished along with the fourth emperor and then a new imperial mage was announced.

Sir Nicholas seemed to notice that I'm doing something wrong so he went behind me and guided me properly.

"Princess, you have to focus on the object you want to control. Feel yourself, connect with the object, let your mana flow inside of it then manipulate it."


I focused on the couch in front of me and held out my hand. Unconsciously, my mind drifted away as I let my mana flow inside it. I could sense how amazed Sir Nicholas felt behind me as I successfully controlled the couch.


If I could manipulate it more... I moved my index finger a little, manipulating the mana flowing inside the couch, making it shake in the air. I could hear a soft menacing voice whispering at the back of my head, urging me to crush it, and so I did. I spread my hand out and then clenched it firmly. A loud noise echoed in the room as the chair exploded into pieces.

HENRIETTA: PRAELUDIUM [TO BE EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now