problem 10 time apart

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As with every couple in the world, there came times when they couldn't be together. It was an unavoidable fact. The same went for Yang and Ruby as well. The two of them couldn't be together all the time, as both girls would sometimes have things in their lives that prevented this.

However, while one of the girls was able to handle the time apart, the other one couldn't. Yang had developed a problem with people leaving her due to her childhood. The blonde first lost her own mother, who left her. Then she lost Summer, who died on a mission. And after losing both of her mothers, both her father and uncle practically disappeared from her life by burying themselves in their work. Because of these types of traumatic events, Yang couldn't stand the thought of people close to her leaving her, whether they were friends or family.

One could only imagine how bad it was when Ruby would leave.

The young team leader had gotten a special mission from Ozpin that was meant only for her. She would join an older team and go exterminate a nest of Grimm that had been causing trouble for a nearby village. The reason only Ruby was going on this mission was that she could inspect how a more experienced team would function, thus allowing her to grow as a leader. This was a special mission that Ozpin gave only to those that he saw as worthy and those were very few.

Unfortunately for Ruby, her biggest problem wouldn't be any type of Grimm. Instead, it would be her very protective and clingy girlfriend, Yang Xiao Long. Ever since the blonde had heard that her beloved rose would be going on a mission on her own, she had been trying her best to stop the younger girl from leaving.

''Rubes, please don't go!'' Yang pleaded as the redhead was going around their dorm, preparing herself for the mission. ''There's no benefit from you going with this! Why do you have to go?''

''Actually, Yang, there is the benefit of me learning from much more experienced students, thus allowing me to become a better Huntress,'' Ruby explained while packing some ammo for Crescent Rose. ''Besides, this came from Ozpin himself and I want to make a good impression by completing this mission.''

''But it's dangerous! You won't be safe without your trusted teammates there to look after you!'' the blonde argued before turning to look at her other two teammates. ''Isn't that right, guys!?''

''I think she'll be fine,'' Blake said in her usual monotone, not worried over her team leader's safety at all. ''I mean, she is going to be traveling with a more skilled and more experienced team after all. I see no reason for us to be there, when she is completely safe with them.''

''And I personally think that this is a great opportunity for her,'' Weiss added. ''Every Huntress should always aim to better themselves in any way possible. This will be a great experience for her that will allow her to grow as a leader.''

''Gee. Thanks for the support,'' Yang grumbled before turning her attention back to Ruby. ''Rubes, seriously, think about this just a bit more, okay?''

''I've already thought about this long enough, Yang,'' Ruby said with a sigh. ''I'm leaving tomorrow and that's final. You have nothing to worry about. I can take care of myself and I'll be completely fine.''

''...That's what Summer said to us,'' the blonde said sadly, her voice barely loud enough to be heard. However, the sniper did hear her and stopped on her tracks immediately with her eyes going wide. Weiss and Blake could only stare, wondering what was going on with their two teammates.

''That was below the belt, Yang...'' the young team leader said sadly.

''I know, Ruby. And I'm sorry,'' Yang said as she walked up to the younger girl and pulled her into a comforting hug. ''I just... I just can't lose you, okay? I've already lost so much that I wouldn't be able to take it anymore. You're also everything to me. Without you, I don't know how I could go on anymore.''

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