dance with me

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it was very rare for the two of you to have a day off on the same day so you decided to make the most out of it.

you put on a simple outfit and did light makeup.

you headed downstairs to find joseph waiting for you on the couch.

" i'm ready to go. " you said as you grabbed your bag from the counter.

he turned to face you and a smile crept onto his face.

" well don't you just look absolutely gorgeous. " he smiled kissing your neck a few times making you giggle

" let's not get too carried away here. or we'll never get to lunch on time. " you said slipping out of his grip and walking to the door.

" we both know i'd much rather have you for lunch. " he winked.

" alright, loverboy let's go. " you laughed taking your hand in his.

- after lunch -

you sat in the park on a bench next to the lake.

you listened as joseph told you his lame jokes which somehow always made you laugh.

" why can't you tell a joke to an egg? " he asked barely able to keep it together.

" why? " you asked.

" it might crack up. " he replied letting out a laugh.

" oh my god that was horrible. " you smiled as you shook your head.

" but you still laughed. " he said poking your sides.

" it's my job to laugh at your jokes, babe. " you replied.

" rude! " he said as he pulled you up off the bench.

you continued to walk back to your house but you felt raindrops start to fall.

you always enjoyed the rain so if you and your clothes got soaked it wouldn't have been a problem.

the rain suddenly came down hard.

you both starting running as you arrived onto the street your house was on.

you were both laughing by now and soaking wet.

once you made it to your house you made your way to the door but josephs hand pulled you back.

" dance with me. " he said taking your other hand in his.

" gladly. " you replied with a smile, walking with him to the driveway.

he softly hummed the words to your favorite song as your started slow dancing.

you couldn't care less about the rain falling or the fact that you two were definitely going to be sick.

all that mattered was the fact that you were in each others arms in that perfect moment.

much love,
- morgan :)

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