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This is just an explanation of my thought process surrounding the story!!

Hello hello! It's been a while since this story was completed and I feel like it deserves an explanation.

I have written 12 different stories that are completed, and I'm not sure where I would rank this one if I'm being completely honest. I'd certainly say it's my most memorable, mainly because it's based off of actual TXT MVs. Its one that people would probably think about when they watch the MVs because of the inclusion of actual events that took place in the MVs.

  Other than that, it's not my most popular, nor my most complicated, nor my most commented on or most voted, it's not my personal favourite, it's not the one I had to research the most for, it's not the one I had to think about the most. It's a purely average story compared to others that I've written before.

  There's one relatable factor that keeps it memorable in my eyes. Trauma. I've written stories with plenty of trauma before, and the inclusion of my own dramatized trauma is nothing new on my Wattpad, but the trauma in this story is paired with the way that I personally deal with trauma. My lack of object permanence.

  If it's not right in front of me, I'll forget it exists and there are similar coping methods that the characters in this story use. It's an unintentional usage but when the characters are all together, the trauma seemingly fades away. It's still there but it isn't their main focus. It seems to fade away. To pair with that comes one of the principals that formed this story, the fundamental attribution error, something that I wish I tied in more.

  I took psychology when I first started writing this story and I will continue to take psychology as I go into university. I've always found it interesting and this error is no different.

The fundamental attribution error is a social psychology theory. There are several different psychological theories but social psychology has to do with one's surroundings. The attribution principal says that the way one acts has to do with their disposition or their situation. The fundamental attribution error is when someone underestimates the impact of the situation and overestimates the impact of ones disposition. Believing that someone did something bad because that's just the way they are, when in truth, it had something to do with their situation.

I'm gonna be fully honest... this was gonna be a mafia story. Genuinely, I started out with the intention of going full on mafia, but then I changed my mind. It seemed that the concept I ended up following truly represented the fundamental attribution error the best.

When it comes to psychology, I feel like I could go on and on for hours, but it's been over a year since I thoroughly studied it and I'd hate to be super inaccurate.

I'd like to say that I planned this story, but as I've done with every other story, I winged it. Other than having a rough guideline because of the TXT MVs, I planned nothing. I do my best work unplanned.

I had rough character backstories ready, but when it came to things like the plot twist of HueningKai being the one that Taehyun's parents fostered, I mainly threw it in for the jaw drop factor. Of course I thought it through for continuity's sake, but it just kinda happened.

My thought process surrounding this story was that I wanted to make characters that were unique and dramatic enough to write a story about, but normal enough to be relatable, so whilst some characters faced unlikely circumstances, I tried to at least explain their feelings in depth in order to create a sense of relatability amongst readers and characters.

The only super heavy research I did for this story was finding out which car Yeonjun used in the 0x1 MV, and I didn't even use that knowledge... it's a 2001 Volvo V70 XC... I spent so long trying to find it, searching up car brands and then narrowing the Volvo model down until I reached a conclusion and then I never even used it. A 2001 Volvo V70 XC. I slept easily with that knowledge in my mind...

  Anyways, needless to say, this is a story well ended. I'm content with the ending though it would be a real plot twist if I pulled a 180 on you and wrote a whole new fic stemming off of this one... haha... jk... unless?

  That was a joke. This story was never meant to have a happy ending, but there were plenty of happy moments in between.

  I'm so thankful for everyone who has been commenting. I read every single one no matter what. I appreciate all the comments because it is a huge source of validation that allows me to keep writing. I'm genuinely appreciative that you would spend time reading this story and I really hope that you enjoyed it despite all of the angst I seem to write.

  Once again, thank you so much and I hope you have a great day, night, afternoon, morning, evening, and a great life in general!!

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