Chapter One

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Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat is the Alpha of his pack Moon Pack. Together with his two trusted Betas, Boat and Kaownah the pack lived in peace and harmony.

He took over after his dad: Alpha Thanaphan retired and left to travel the world with his mom, Luna Sarocha.

He was busy everyday as he continue to strive to maintain his pack safe from any rogue attacks.

Meanwhile on the Eastern village in a Pack by the name of Wandering Sun, there lived an Omega that goes by the name of Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong.

He is the son of the current Alpha; Alpha Thanayong. His Luna, Luna Ampha took care of the wellbeing of the Omegas.

Gulf was a kind hearted person. Helping one another is one of his greatest strength.

"Let me help you"

"Aww thank you Gulf. You are so kind"

Gulf just replied with a smile as he helped the elderly woman with her bag of groceries.

He doesn't have many friends but they are the loyal ones who took care him too.

"Oi Gulf why are you late?" Mild, one of his friend asks

"Sorry. Was helping Mrs. Watchira with her groceries"

"You should have called us" Bright, another one of his closest friend said.

Gulf just smiled and said "It's alright. It's just a small matter. So ready to go swimming?"

"Yes!!" His friends yelled out and soon they were on a run, laughing happily as they reached the waterfall.

They took off their shirts and started playing in the water.

As they were playing they didn't see a sinister smile from a distance.

"Soon omega. You will be mine. I will destroy every single one of your happiness and make you only suffer with only me by your side"

"Alpha. All preparation has been done"

The Alpha smile went wider "Good. Tonight we attack. They will not expect us at all"

As the sun goes down and everyone has settled down and was ready to retire for the day, in the shadows were wolves waiting for the moon as a signal to begin the attack.

As the moon appeared, there was a a signal and the guards who were keeping an eye saw the group but before they could called out for the Alpha and Beta they were killed.

Soon the rogues came in and barged into every single houses. The pack house was in the distance and Alpha Thanayong came out in his pajamas saw the rogues


"Why hello uncle. I'm sorry for barging in but I would like to have deal with you"

"What deal? This is ridiculous! Where are all the Alphas and Betas?!"

"Oh well look there dear uncle" the man said with a sinister smile as he pointed towards the town square where he saw the Alphas and Betas as well were tied and stabbed.

"You see uncle. I just want two things"

Alpha Thanayong sneered "Let them go!"

"A'ah. Not so fast. You haven't listen to what I want yet"

Then Gulf came out of the Packhouse with his mom and sister.

The man, AA looked at Gulf with lust and Alpha Thanayong knew

"One I want your omega son! He will be my Luna"

"Over my dead body!"

"You are no fun uncle"

"Shut up!! Gulf go! Honey go and run as fast as you can!!!"

"Dad!! Let me fight with you!"

"Gulf! Go now! Honey go now!"

The Luna was still shocked didn't had the chance to escape with Gulf when the Alpha grabbed him

"He is not going anywhere"

Gulf try to push him away but the man was gripping his wrist too tight.

"Let me go you son of a bitch!"

"Let him go!!!" Alpha Thanayong yelled out.

"No. Now for the second thing that I want" he looked around the pack and smirked "This pack will be mine now" he grabbed his knife from his waist and stabbed Alpha Thanayong who fell down onto the ground.

"ALPHA!!" The yells were from the pack members and his family

"Now I am officially your Alpha! Bow down to me!"

The rest of the pack couldn't do anything. But then Gulf bit him, making him be released as he grabbed his mom and dad and with the rest of his friend and family with just what they have on their body they fled into the jungle.

They were chased by manage to escape.

Back at the pack, the Alpha and Beta was either imprisoned or killed while the Omegas were imprisoned.

Alpha AA smirked and thought "You can run but you can't hide. I will find you and make you my Luna and make you breed my pups!"

Gulf leading his family and friends after being chased stopped at a small river to rest. They were now headed north.

They slept and continued before the sun rises.

Soon they reached somewhere they weren't familiar with. Gulf said "Okay we have to cross the border"

"What if they kill us Gulf" one of his pack members by the name of Nunew asks

"If they want to kill they can kill me instead"

They weren't happy with Gulf's answer as it wasn't satisfying to see him sacrificing for them.

"I trust you baby boy" his mom said, placing a hand on his shoulder while giving him a soft smile.

"thank you mama" Gulf replied and as they were about to step across the borderline they were stopped

"Hey stop! You are not authorised to enter!" A gruff voice said.

Gulf turned towards the person who was just a guard.

"Please sir, let us through. We need shelter. Our pack" Gulf started tearing up.

Bright then continued "Let me tell them Gulf"

Gulf just nodded and was hugged by his mom. His dad who was still unconscious was being carried by some of the Beta and Alpha.

"We are from the Wandering Sun pack. Our pack was attacked and taken over by Gulf's cousin, Alpha AA who was banished two years ago. We manage to escape. Please let us have shelter and treat our Alpha who is injured"

Then a tall man who look like he has full authority came up in front and said "And how do we believe yo-" his word stopped midway when he saw Gulf who looked at him.

Gulf's eyes widen "Mate"

The man also said "Mate" and at that moment Gulf collapsed and managed to be caught by him.

"Kaownah, Boat bring them to the Pack Hospital and shelter for the rest. Make them comfortable"

He carried Gulf and headed toward the packhouse as he laid Gulf on the bed.

"I finally found you, mate" he said softly and watched his mate sleep peacefully.

Thus begin their journey together. What will happen next? Stay tuned to Destined To Meet You, Mate.

AN: Hi. So here is the first chapter. Took me a lot of time to write this. Even though I try to simplify the story more. Umm yeah. Well until next time.

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