Chapter Five

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The weather became darker as the Sun kept on hiding behind a dark cloud.

Every outdoor activities for training has been done indoors.

Gulf doesn't feel well lately and has been vomiting nonstop.

It has been two weeks since they mated and marked each other. Often Gulf couldn't stand the smell of certain food and the only smell he could tolerate was the smell of his Alpha.

Often being clingy, he would whine whenever his Alpha left for a meeting. 

He now stays in the bedroom and the bathroom became his second home.

Some of his Omega friends who aren't mated often stayed by his side whenever Mew left.

His parents visit often and Gulf would act childish making both of parents laugh at his antics.

Until his stomach decided to disturb time and that worried both of the Alpha and Luna.

"Honey, I think you should get yourself checked"

"Yes Gulf. Go and see Dr. Tae at the Pack Hospital"


"No excuses. Let's go now"

His mom held onto him. Her instincts tell her what she think it was.

As they headed towards the Pack Hospital, Mew received a report from his Betas

"Alpha we received a report from one of the guards"

Mew looked up at them both and stared at them.

"There were signs of rogues just outside the border on the east side. They manage to escape before we could capture them"

"Contact the Alphas of the Lion Head Pack; Alpha Mile Pakphum as well as the Phoenix Pack; Alpha Max Nattapol immediately. We need as much help as possible"

"Yes Alpha"

Mew knew the time has come. He looked out the window of his office and looked up on the dark skies above.

Meanwhile Gulf was being checked by the doctor; Dr. Tee who is the only human.

"How long have you been feeling ill Luna?"

Gulf calculated in his head and realized it "About two weeks"

The doctor then said "Well, how about we let you run some tests and we will know the results. Is it okay for you?"

Gulf just nodded

Soon Gulf was told to pee in a bottle and has his blood taken.

After awhile Gulf was told to go back to the packhouse and the results will be sent to him soon.

Gulf went home with his parents by his side and soon he laid in bed thinking of Mew.

"I miss you my Alpha" he whispered and soon falls asleep.

That night he had a nightmare.

Everything was dark. A sinister smile was causing havoc. Blood everywhere. He saw himself running away. He then saw his parents dead and then his friends. 

He saw a tall man and his mate. They turned into wolves. One black with red eyes while another white with brown eyes.

Gulf saw sneering and taunting as well as  growling. The black wolf attacked. There were blood everywhere he saw his mate growled and attacked the black wolf.

His mate got distracted and then he was bitten by the black wolf and he started to bleed.

The black started to come closer to him and Gulf woke up with a jolt.

He found himself sweating and he knew something terrible will happen soon.

He looked around and saw his mate, his Alpha, Mew was sleeping peacefully by his side.

Gulf kept on thinking of the dream, no it was a nightmare.

"Moon Goddess please protect your children from any harm" he prayed silently and laid back to bed and soon falls asleep in an instant.

The next morning, Gulf received some papers from the doctor.

"This must be the results" He mumbled. He tear the envelope and his eyes widen in surprise and covered his mouth. 

He is pregnant.

He smiled happily. He knew he have to tell Mew immediately.

He rushed to Mew's office with the health report and knocked on the door.

Mew, who was busy finishing some reports regarding a repair in one of the houses said "Come in"

He smelt his mate but he smelt somewhat different lately and he couldn't understand what.

The door opened and Gulf came in smiling widely. He was hiding something behind him.

"Alpha may I have a word with you?"

Mew looked up at Gulf "Sure baby" he put down the pen and watch as Gulf came closer and closer, smiling wider than before as hi

His mate placed a piece of paper in front of him.

He read the papers and his eyes widen in shock.

"Pregnant? Is this true baby?" Gulf smiled with a nod

"Yes Mew. We are having a baby!"

Mew hugged Gulf on his waist and kisses him

"I love you baby" and he went down to Gulf's tummy "as well as you pup" Gulf couldn't help but blush.

"We are telling everyone now" Mew said and soon everyone from the pack gathered at at the grounds and as he came forward.

"We are here to announce that Luna Gulf is pregnant!"

Everyone was surprised, even Gulf's parents

"Why that imbecile Alpha! Let me kill him!" He grabbed his hoe that he placed on the ground.

"Dad! Please! You can't kill the Alpha and the father of my pups" Gulf pouts and Alpha Thanayong couldn't help but melt.

"Fine. If he makes you pregnant again I'll hunt him down"

Mew, who look like he has authority became scared.

"Sorry sir" he mumbled.

Gulf shouldn't laugh but he let out a laugh.

Everyone celebrated over the good news. But the good news wasn't a happy one for the Alpha who wants to take him.

"Oh I see. He has a pup eh?" He was playing with a knife "Lets see how much longer he will be happy when it take everything away from him" he let out a sinister laugh and everyone around him just watched him.

"Soon! You will be mine? Omega Gulf. You will soon be my Luna!"

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Destined To Meet You, Mate.

AN: Hi. So here is another chapter. I had this idea while having my lunch.  Ironic.  Anyway, hope my readers like this story so far. Until next time.

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