Chapter 29.

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Steve listened intently to the sound of the heart monitor beeping — that's all he had been listening to. Steve was afraid that he'd soon hear it stop beeping — that was his greatest fear.

Steve had held Y/n's cold hand tenderly but firmly as if she was to disappear right in front of him — though, she almost did.

"So, I heard that there's a new movie coming out. It's called Top Gun or something — I think we should definitely watch it once you wake up." Steve softly said to the unconscious girl.

"Or there's another movie that's coming out. Ferris Bueller's Day Off? Robin seems to like it — but, maybe 'cause of the girl that's in it." Steve softly laughed, shaking his head.

"I—" Steve had been cut off by the sound of the room door being slowly creaked open — Robin's head popping in. "We have visitors." Robin said, smiling softly.

Steve's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing, "Hopper?"

Hopper smiled, "Steve."

Steve quickly walked over to the older man, embracing him in a tight hug — one that Hopper knew the poor boy needed.

"I — I thought you were dead!" Steve soon voiced is disbelief as he stepped back from the older man. "I thought so too but here I am." Hopper said, grinning briefly.

"What happened to you?" Steve questioned before then glancing towards Joyce and Eleven. "What happened to the three of you?"

Hopper winced, "It's a long story — one you'll hear later. Right now, I just want to see my girl."

Steve nodded as he then turned to look at Y/n —Hopper doing the same, heart breaking as he took in his comatose daughter's state — laying fragile and pale on her bed.

"My sweet girl." Hopper murmured, kneeling onto his knee as he took his daughter's cold soft hand into his warm and rough ones. Hopper didn't talk much — just staring at his daughter, wondering why it had to have been her to be pulled into all of this.

Why all of these kids had to be. Why they had to be.


A soft voice said from behind Hopper, Hopper turned his head around — looking at the bald headed girl. "Come closer, El." Hopper softly said, jerking his head slightly to come over to them.

Eleven obliged and walked forward, brows pinched in worry and sadness as she took in her sister's state. "I've — I've been talking to her. The doctor said it's best to talk to her as much as we can — it'll help her make a better progress in waking up." Steve explained, crossing his arms. Hopper nodded in understanding.

"Hey, sweet girl. It's dad. I — I miss you. God, I miss you so much. There wasn't a day where I didn't think of you and your sister while I was in that hell. I need you to wake up for me, for your sister — for everybody. We need you, alright. We need you." Hopper softly but firmly told the unconscious girl, "I love you, sweetheart. I hope you're hearing all of this."

Hopper sighed as he stood up, pecking his daughter's forehead before nodding at El for her to speak to her sister — walking towards Joyce who looked just about close to breaking.

Joyce had no clue what was happening here and dear god she had wished she had. She cared for Y/n so long before all this crazy stuff had happened — she knew Y/n's state would absolutely kill Jonathan and Will when they see her.

"You're — You're not going anywhere, Y/n." Eleven told the girl, "You can't leave me."

"I won't let that happen. I promise."

Eleven hated that she didn't have anything else to say — Steve saw the younger girl's struggle and he felt himself becoming sympathetic.

"Hey," Steve started, "It's okay if you don't have much to say. Your presence is just enough for her."

Eleven stared at the boy for a minute before slowly nodding, she guessed Steve was right — though she still felt bad that she hadn't had much to say but what she was feeling was very much a lot.

Eleven soon got up from her place on the bed and kissed her sister's forehead before going back to her dad. Joyce simply stared at the girl, eyes watering as she took her all in.

Steve noticed Joyce's struggle in nearing the girl — he seems to be noticing a lot of things today it seems. "You can speak with her later if you can't do it right now." Steve reassured, "She won't be going anywhere."

Joyce gave Steve a grateful smile as she then nodded, "I'll go get Will and Jonathan."

Joyce had quickly left the room — Hopper and Eleven following closely behind but Eleven had glanced at her sister one last time before continuing her leave.

Steve rubbed his face as the door had softly shut. He was barely holding on — he needed Y/n to wake up. But, he was scared for when she did ever intend in waking up. She'd possibly be blind — though her bones had not been broken, the doctor had said her lung had collapsed and that her heart had some serious issues.

Steve couldn't handle what Y/n would have to go through because of Vecna. That fucking asshole.

"Knock. Knock." A voice announced as they knocked softly on the door. Steve slightly grinned as he then saw Jonathan and Will come into view — walking closer to then embrace Jonathan and Will in a hug before then letting go.

"Jesus." Jonathan whispered as he got closer to Y/n — taking in the sight of her. "Will — will she ever wake up?" Will asked timidly, looking at Steve with his worried eyes. "We don't know. She's in a comatose — we just have to believe she'll pull through." Steve told the brothers, sighing heavily.

Will and Jonathan began talking to Y/n — telling her of their boring adventure in Lenora but after their talk they had soon left with a goodbye — leaving Steve to finally sit back down next to his girl.

Eddie had came by to see Y/n — much to the nurses and doctors and practically everyone's dismay as he is still injured plus everyone had to remind him of how he was still wanted for murder but — Eddie could care less about that in this moment.

He needed to see Y/n. That's all he'd been wanting since Dustin had told him Y/n had nearly died. He never felt his heart drop that much since the Chrissy incident.

"She seems so — peaceful." Eddie softly said, moving a piece of Y/n's hair away from her face. Steve softly grinned at the gentleness of the boy — he felt happy knowing Y/n was so cared for.

"Yeah. She does." Steve agreed, "But, we both know she's really not at peace — she's practically fighting for her life right now as we speak, man."

Eddie nodded, "I heard what happened to Jason. Church boy got split in half, right?"

Steve scoffed a laugh, "Yup."

Eddie's eyes drifted away from Y/n to then look at Steve, "I know this is a bit of a horrible question to ask but — do you think she'll ever wake up?"

"I have hope." Steve replied, "Hope is what we only have, right now."

Eddie sighed heavily, "God. This is so not how I pictured my senior year would be, man."

"I don't think this is how any of us pictured how our life would be, Eds."

"Totally not Ozzy."

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