Chapter 22.

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"Check this out. The War Zone." Eddie stated, pointing a picture in the newspaper. "I've been there once with Y/n. It's huge. They got — everything you need for, uh, well, killing things, basically." Eddie explained.

"Do you think fake Rambo has enough guns there?" Robin asked Eddie. "Is that a grenade? I mean, how is any of this legal?" Robin questioned in disbelief.

"Well, lucky for us it is. So, this — this place is just far enough outside of Hawkins. As long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops, uh, and angry hicks." Eddie informed.

"If we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to some store called the War Zone." Erica sassily said.

"Normally, I'd agree, but we need the weapons. So, I think it's worth the risk." Nancy said. "Me too." Lucas agreed, nodding.

"Yeah, but, is it worth the time? It'll take all day to bike there and back." Dustin said, looking at Nancy. "Who said anything about bikes?" Eddie questioned, looking at Dustin.

"What? You got some car we don't know about?" Steve asked. "It's not exactly a car, Steve." Eddie said, "And it's not exactly mine. But, it'll do."

"Hey. Red, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandanna — something like that?" Eddie asked, looking at Max. Max thought for awhile before her face then lit up.

Max then gave Eddie her Michael Myers mask from halloween. The group then made their way outside, following Eddie's lead.

They soon made it behind a trailer, Eddie slid the small window open — climbing in clumsily. "That was suffocating." Eddie mumbled as he threw the mask.

The others soon piled in — Y/n being the last. "Jesus. I can never take a break with all these upper body shit." Y/n complained as Robin pulled her in.

Steve soon came up from behind Eddie, watching as the boy toyed with the wires. "Where'd you learn how to do this?" Steve asked, intrigued. "Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball — my old man? He reached me how to hot-wire." Eddie explained.

"Now, I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did — but, now? I'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto." Eddie breathed out. "I'm really living up to that Munson name." Eddie said, smiling at Steve.

"Um. Eddie, I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving." Robin told Eddie, leaning on Steve. "You shouldn't. He's a horrible driver." Y/n inputted, leaning onto Robin.

"Not going to disagree with you, sweetheart." Eddie said, smiling at Y/n. Steve furrowed his brow at the boys new nickname. "But, I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her." Eddie told Robin, "Don't ya, big boy?"

Eddie then flicked the wires together — the engine coming alive and the music playing as if it was never turned off.

"What the hell!" The older woman questioned, getting up from her seat as with her husband. "Hey! Open this door!" The older woman demanded, banging on the door.

"Shit! Shit! Steve, hurry up!" Y/n yelled, quickly sitting herself in the chair next to him. "Everybody hold on to something!" Steve ordered.

"Drive, Steve! Drive!" Dustin yelled, urgently. "Go, Go, Go!" Robin ushered. Steve then stomped his bare foot onto the gas peddle — the tires making a skidding noise.

"Shit, they look pissed." Dustin pointed out. "I mean, it's not everyday you lose your house and car in one fell swoop." Robin shrugged.

Y/n held onto anything she could hold around her as Steve then made a harsh turn — hitting some trash cans. "Holy shit! And you say I'm a horrible driver!" Y/n yelled at Steve, her eyes tightly shut.

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