Chapter 10.

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"Wait! Hold on!" Steve quickly stood up, running down the hill towards his car. "Steve!" Dustin called out, watching the older boy.

"Where are you, you little shit." Steve whispered, looking around his car for the specific song they've been trying to look for. Steve searched through the front of his car before moving onto his trunk.

Steve's eyes spotted Y/n's bag, "Shit. Please be in here." Steve then grabbed the bag, dumping Y/n's belongings out before finally seeing what he was looking for before also grabbing Y/n's headphones.

"Guys! I found it! I found it!" Steve yelled, running towards the young teens. "Here! Here! Take it!" Steve quickly said, handing the music tape to Dustin.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Okay, headphones!" Steve said, shoving the headphones towards Dustin who then put it onto Y/n's head, "Ok. Now!"

(You can pick another song if you don't like this one)

Y/n's eyes drifted to behind Vecna as she then saw her friends through a portal of some kind — Y/n didn't have a clue but she felt relieved in seeing them.

Y/n then heard the familiar song that echoed around her. Her song that she'd listen too when times became rough and she needed comfort from her dads death.


"Y/n, wake up!"

Y/n gasped for air as she heard the yells of her friends — she yearned to be surrounded by them, "Y/n, we're right here!"

"Come on, Y/n! Come back to us!"

Y/n gasped and croaked as she felt the tentacle like thing tighten around her throat which made her sob out a cry but it only sounded like a silent croak.

"They can't help you, Y/n." Vecna told Y/n, his head still turned as he stared at the portal before turning his attention back onto Y/n.

"There's a reason you hide from them." Vecna began, face coming closer towards the girls own which made her struggle in the grips of the tentacle like things.

"You, belong here. You're home, is here. With me." Vecna told Y/n, caressing her face. Y/n coughed, "This will never be my home."

"Oh, but it is, little one. It is." Vecna said as his voice echoed around Y/n, his long fingers hovering over Y/n's face — Y/n gasped as her head snapped back.

"Oh my god." Max whispered, her face contorting into one of worry and horror as she then sees Y/n suddenly begin to float in the air.

They four all stumble back as they watch the girl begin to ascend. "Y/n!" Steve yelled, quickly getting up. "Oh god! Y/n!" Max yelled, cupping her hands over her mouth.

Y/n's gasped as she felt pain radiating from her insides — like being ripped apart from the inside out.

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