Chapter 21.

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"All done. Not so bad, was it?" The older man questioned as he wiped the newly fresh tattoo. "See? There's nothing to be afraid of." The older man reassured the young boy.

"Is there, Y/n?"

Y/n's eyes widened at the mention of her name. "Why don't you take a seat?" The older man said, turning his head towards her — voice becoming distorted and eyes becoming a blurry white.

Y/n's face scrunched up into fear as she then ran, making it into a hallway. Y/n's eyes caught sight of bodies littering the hallway — the lights above Y/n flickering none-stop.

Y/n stumbled back and ran another direction.

"Y/n! Please just stay with me!" Steve pleaded, grabbing ahold of the girls head. "Stay with me, okay!" Steve said.

"Whatever you guys are doing, hurry up!" Steve yelled urgently.

Erica nodded and soon ran back towards the others who were trying to find a music for Y/n. Her Walkman wasn't with her — they were hopeless.

"Steve says you need to hurry!" Erica informed. "Yeah? No shit!" Dustin yelled. "We're trying. We can't find anything!" Max told Erica.

"Y/n doesn't like any of these songs!" Nancy worriedly said, brows furrowed. "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin told Eddie, shaking the tapes in her hands vigorously.

"This is music!" Eddie yelled, offended.

Y/n soon stumbled upon the doors being barricaded by wood. Y/n cried out in exhaustion as she then began pulling at the wood with all her strength that she even had.

"Come on!" Y/n yelled, pulling at the wood before she finally got it off — throwing it harshly to the ground before putting her attention onto the other wooden planks.


Y/n stopped pulling on the wood as she heard the familiar voice. "Fuck you." Y/n whispered, eyes building up with tears before going back to pulling on the wood.

"What are you doing, Y/n?" Vecna questioned, slowly making his way towards the girl. Y/n turned her head, only to be faced with Vecna.

"It's not time for you to leave." Vecna told the girl. Y/n quickly shook her head, turning her attention back onto pulling the wood which then came off.

"Come on! Faster!" Y/n told herself, hurriedly pulling at the wood. "Now that you've seen where I've been — I would like very much to show you where I am going." Vecna explained, inching closer towards the girl.

Y/n yelled as she pulled at the last plank — pushing the door open only to be led back in the same room where she had saw the older man tattooing the young boy.

"Take a seat, little one." The man distortedly said. The lights soon flickered off, the silent room only being filled up with Y/n's harsh heavy panting.

The electricity soon surges on, Y/n's vision being filled with light as she finally realized she was sat on the same chair as the young boy — tentacles holding her down onto the chair.

"No! No!" Y/n breathed out as she struggled to get her limbs out of the tentacles. Y/n's eyes widened as she then spotted Vecna, walking towards her.

Y/n's breath hitches as Vecna's face got closer towards her own — Y/n realized she was in the same position once again.

"I want you to tell your sister — I want you to tell her everything you see." Vecna told Y/n before hovering his hand above Y/n's face — making the girl gasp in pain at the on-going flashes of memories Vecna was showing her.

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