Chapter 3.

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"Hey. Steve, Y/n, and Robin." A familiar voice greeted as they entered Family Video.

Y/n turned around, happy to see Dustin and Max. "You guys see this?" Steve asked looking away from the TV to look towards Dustin and Max. "How many phones do you have?" Dustin abruptly asked.

"Someone was murdered—" Steve told the two younger teens.

"How many phones do you have!" Dustin repeated, yelling over Steve. "Uh, Two. Why?" Steve asked, glancing at Robin and Y/n. "Technically three, if you count Keith's in the back." Robin added.

"Yeah, good. Three works." Max said, nodding. Dustin nodded back before taking off his backpack, "What are you doing?" Steve plainly asked before Dustin suddenly threw the backpack across the counter making it hit Y/n.

"What are you—"

"My pile!"

"Dustin Henderson, you asshole!"

"No, no, no! My tapes! DUDE!" Steve yelled in protest, throwing his arms up in the air as Dustin slid across the counter. Y/n groaned before picking up the heavy backpack which had previously hit her.

'Damn child.' Y/n thought bitterly.

"What are you doing, man!" Steve exclaimed, nearing Dustin.

"Setting up base of operations here." Dustin replied, his attention on the computer. "Hey. Hey. That computer better not be messed up by whatever you're doing — if Keith finds out—" Y/n was then cut off by Robin.

"Wait. Base of operations?" Robin repeated, peaking from behind Y/n and Max. "Get off of that, Dusty." Y/n demanded, watching closely on what the younger teen was doing.

"No! I need it." Dustin replied, scoffing at the use of the nickname Y/n had used. "Need it for what?" Y/n asked, clearly annoyed by the intrusion of the two teenagers. "Looking up Eddie's friends' phone numbers." Dustin muttered, glancing at Y/n.

Y/n raised her brows, "Why would you be needing that?" Y/n asked, leaning towards the boy. Before Dustin could reply, Steve had beaten him to it. "Your new best friend, Eddie, also Y/n's ex who you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve asked, a certain tone to his voice.

"Yes! — I never said that."

"Seriously, you guys, maybe on a Monday you can play around, but it's a Saturday. Our busiest day." Robin complained as she picked up the sign from the floor.

Y/n gave up and walked towards Robin to help her.

"Robin, I empathize, but this cannot wait until Monday!" Dustin told Robin, his attention still on the screen in front of him.

"What? 'Cause calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency?" Robin asked, flailing her arms around as Steve joined in on belong Y/n and Robin.

"Correct!" Dustin stated.

"Ok. Do you guys want me to strangle him or one of you?" Steve asked, looking at the two girls. "We can take turns." Robin told the two, shrugging.

"I call on having first dibs, though." Y/n told the two as she gathered her messy pile of VHS's.

"Can you just fill them in while I do this?" Dustin asked Max upon hearing the three older teens conversation.

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