Chapter 18.

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"Couldn't we have tried a road, or something, just slightly less creepy?" Robin asked Nancy. "I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry." Nancy assured the taller girl.

Y/n's eyes began to survey her surroundings, mostly keeping it on the woods that surrounded them. But, her eyes then slowly drifted away from the woods to Nancy's back.

Y/n grew up in Hawkins, practically knowing everyone in the process. Nancy and her were the duo from the start, until Barb came along — they then became the trio.

But, Barbs death made the two girls drift apart. Nancy blamed herself and Steve for the death of Barb and Y/n had always tried to be there for the girl — she didn't want Nancy to deal with the guilt on her own.

Though, Y/n could remember clear as day when their friendship had ended. Nancy and Y/n we're at the Halloween Party held by Y/n's friend, Tina.

The night was going good, everyone was happy — Y/n was happy and felt like she could pull away from her responsibilities and being a babysitter — just for the night.

Obviously she was wrong as she found herself having to take care of a drunk Nancy after seeing Steve leave the party.

"Nance, I told you not to drink so much." Y/n softly said, brows furrowed softly. "Whatever." Nancy slurred, still trying to take out the red stain on her shirt.

"Nance, it's not going to come off. Just give me—" Y/n's hand was then slapped by Nancy. "Fuck off, Y/n. I don't need your help." Nancy told the girl, face scrunched up in annoyance.

"You're heavily drunk, Nance. You do need my help." Y/n told the girl, sighing heavily. "You know," Nancy started, "I've just realized something."

"Realized what, Nance?" Y/n asked. "That your a waste of my time — a waste of everyone's time. I've only ever felt pity for you, you know." Nancy stated, looking the girl in the eyes.

Y/n took a moment to realize what the drunk girl had told her before she then narrowed her brows in confusion and hurt, "Don't say that, Nance. You're drunk."

"Even if I'm drunk, I'm telling you the truth. Sober me was too scared to tell you." Nancy told Y/n, eyes barely blinking.

Y/n scoffed, "Well, you've definitely found the courage."

Y/n stared at Nancy before scoffing a laugh and shaking her head. "Barb would be so fucking disappointed in you." Y/n sneered before pushing past the girl and out of the bathroom.

She didn't care in that moment about Nancy's wellbeing — she was tipsy and hurt. Y/n knew Nancy was just grieving but, she was too.

Y/n knew their friendship was done. She wasn't going to stand around for Nancy to come to her in the morning and apologize. Nancy's words stuck to her.

Y/n snapped out of her thoughts as she felt herself fall back to the ground, groaning in pain. "Are you kidding me." Y/n complained, smacking the dirty shaking ground.

"Ok. The second on my list, of least favorite things — earthquakes. Seriously, I'm unsteady enough as it is." Robin rambled to Nancy and Y/n.

"Nancy? Where you going?" Robin asked, watching as the curly-haired girl walked away. Y/n's eyes stared into the back of Nancy's figure, also curious as to where she was going.

Y/n felt hands lift her up, off the ground. Y/n turned her head to look and she was met with familiar brown eyes. "Steve." Y/n breathed out, eyes searching his face.

"Y/n." Steve copied, smiling. "Ok. Come on, lovebirds." Eddie told the two as he walked past them. Y/n glanced at the ground before pulling away.

Y/n and Steve followed Eddie as they then met up with Robin and Nancy. Y/n's eyes adjusted to the darkness to then see Nancy's house.

"Come on." Nancy stated, walking forward.

The five teens made their way into Nancy's house. Y/n's face scrunched into one of disgust upon seeing the infestation of the Wheeler's house.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler." Robin jokingly said. Y/n grinned slightly, elbowing Robin.

"Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to." Nancy stated, walking up the stairs. Y/n sighed before begrudgingly following the girl up the stairs.

The four teens followed Nancy into her room.m — seemingly not noticing the absence of Steve.

Nancy went into her closet to grab a shoe box that was supposed to hide her smaller guns.

Upon opening it, Nancy saw no signs of guns, just pink heels. "Those aren't guns." Eddie pointed out the obvious. "These heels are a bit pointy, but I was hoping for a deadly projectile." Robin said, looking at Nancy.

"Nance, are you sure the guns are here?" Y/n asked, looking at the curly-haired girl. "Yes, I'm sure." Nancy quickly said, "I don't understand, though."

"Maybe you just left them somewhere else then — uh, oh! Maybe it's still in our closet?" Y/n guessed. "No. It couldn't be — I haven't opened that in a long time." Nancy quickly denied.

"You guys have a closet — together?" Eddie questioned, looking between the two girls. "When we were younger, Nancy and I had found this little closet in her closet. We just stored all of what we treasured into there." Y/n explained, glancing at Nancy.

"Maybe you left it like outside of your room?" Eddie guessed, shrugging. Nancy gave Eddie a look, "There's a six year old in the house. I would never carelessly leave it out of my room."

"And, also, I threw these away years ago." Nancy added, finding it weird that she somehow had it back again. "Strange." Y/n mumbled, also finding it as equally weird.

Y/n's eyes then caught something on Nancy's desk. Y/n picked up the familiar index cards that she remembered Barb, Nancy, and herself having to study.

She felt it was bittersweet having to see these again.

"Look, Y/n/n. I get that grade are important, but perhaps studying can wait till we get out?" Robin asked.

"No, no. You don't understand — these index cards are from Nancy and I's sophomore chemistry." Y/n explained, looking towards Nancy who had a bewildered expression.

"Yeah. And this — this wallpaper, this is old wallpaper." Nancy pointed out, pointing at her wall. "And this mirror — this went to a yard sale." Nancy also pointed out.

"And, you. You're not supposed to be here." Nancy whispered, picking up a dirty teddy bear. "No, I gave you to cousin Joanna two years ago." Nancy said, seemingly talking to the teddy bear.

Y/n noticed a dirty blue diary that sat on Nancy's side table — picking it up, Y/n flipped through the diary.

"Holy shit." Y/n whispered in disbelief. The three teens heads turned towards her. "What?" Nancy said, walking towards Y/n.

Y/n just stared at the page, mouth gaped. "Y/n, you're kinda freaking me out, right now." Robin told the silent girl.

"I — I think the reason that Nancy's guns aren't here is because they don't exist yet." Y/n explained, slowly looking up to see the three teens confused expressions.

"What do you mean they don't — exist?" Nancy asked, brows narrowed in confusion.

"This diary should be full of entries — Nancy and I would write down loads of bs — and there's definitely not a lot of bs in here. The last entry is November 6, 1983." Y/n explained, worry on her face.

"It was the day Will had went missing. The day the gate opened."

The three teens stood in silence, trying to gather the information Y/n had just told them. Y/n's eyes flickered between the three.

"Guys. We're in the past."

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