Thirty One

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Gabriel walked into the kitchen and found Dean there by himself, seated at the table with a beer in his hand. Gabriel ignored him completely as he passed him on his way to the refrigerator. He was on snack detail. He and Sam were about to watch a movie.

"Where's my brother?" Dean asked in a gruff voice.

"He is waiting on me to screw his brains out, which I intend to do as soon as the movie's over," Gabriel said with a smirk. It had been almost a month since he and Sam got together, and any talk about it pissed Dean off, so of course, Gabriel used every opportunity he had to shove it in Dean's face.

Dean gave the archangel a disgusted look. "Enjoy yourself while you can. When this is over, I'm gonna make sure you never get near my brother again. I'm not gonna let you hurt him!"

Gabriel laughed in response. "That's a hypocritical thing to say, don't you think? Or are you projecting? After all, no one hurts Sam more than you do."

"Screw you!" Dean said angrily.

"Thanks, but I prefer your brother to do that. Tell me what your deal is, Dean? Are you really that afraid to see your brother happy?" Gabriel asked.

"Happy? With the dick that tortured him in a freaking time loop?" Dean asked before taking a sip of his beer.

Gabriel nodded. "You're right, I did. I hurt Sam, and I will always regret it. But it still doesn't hold a candle to what you've done to him and keep doing."

"You don't know anything about my relationship with my brother!" Dean yelled.

"Actually, I do, because he's told me. Let's see, there's holding the apocalypse over his head forever, even though you were hardly innocent. Not only did you break the first seal, but your deal made it possible for it to be broken," Gabriel said.

"I was saving my brother's life!" Dean said angrily.

Gabriel ignored the outburst. "But as I told him, that was all carefully orchestrated. Really, it's not your fault or Sam's, but that doesn't stop you from blaming him. Then you have his shredded soul ripped out of Hell and shoved back into his body."

"Oh, so I should've just left him there?"

"No. You should've done exactly what Lucifer did for Adam. You should've asked Death to release Sam's soul to Heaven," Gabriel said. He was glad that Sam was alive. He didn't even want to think about him being dead, but the fact that Sam was functionable was a miracle. It could've ended so much worse. He knew that every time he looked at Michael. It would've been worse for Sam. Michael was an archangel, so his mind would've been much harder to break. Sam's mind would've and should be in ribbons.

Dean huffed angrily and stood up. "You claim to care about my brother? You say it would be better for him to be dead!"

"There are worse things than being dead, Dean, believe me. I would think forty years in Hell would've taught you that," Gabriel said.

"He was walking around with no soul," Dean said.

Gabriel shook his head. "He wasn't. He was in Hell. The body that was here was just that. It was a body, a Zombie that was just a little more functionable."

"I was saving him! I did save him! He's good!" Dean yelled.

"Well, I don't know if I'd call him good. He still has nightmares about Hell, and about what he did without a soul. He is sane, so I supposed you're not totally off. The truth is, you got lucky, or I should say he did. Then you both did again when you let an angel possess him. I hear there's a young prophet that didn't get so lucky," Gabriel said.

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