Chapter 36

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Jack stared at the man in front of him in disbelief. This man had just said he was his grandfather. That made him...It made him God. The being his father hated above anyone else. The one that forced his father into Hell. Looking at him though, he didn't seem like he could do that. He looked rather small and unintimidating. "You...You're really my grandfather? You're God?"

Chuck smiled and took a step forward.

Jack immediately backed up. He'd heard so many stories about this man, and none of them were good. His father and at least two of his uncles hated him. God had hurt both his father and his Uncle Michael. There were probably many others he hurt too. Not to mention that Jack knew his grandfather had outlawed his existence. For all Jack knew, he was there to kill him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, Jack. You're my grandson. I love you," Chuck said with a smile.

"Like my father?" Jack asked.

"I know you'll find it hard to believe, but I love my son," Chuck said.

Just then Rowena came back into the room. "Charles, you've returned. Good to see you. Is that homicidal sister of yours nearby?"

"Hi, Rowena. Amara is off on her own for a while, but she's doing well. No more killing everyone and trying to destroy the planet," Chuck said.

"Good to know," Rowena said.

"I just came to visit my grandson. Would you give us a few minutes?" Chuck asked.

Rowena looked hesitant. She certainly didn't want to anger God by refusing to do what he asked, but she also didn't want to anger Lucifer by leaving his son with someone that might or might not mean him harm. "The thing is, Charles, your son has threatened extreme pain should I let anything happen to his son."

Chuck laughed. "Yes, I imagine he did. So, he probably wouldn't have reacted well if Jack had jumped through the rift while you were out of the room, like he was going to."

Rowena's eyes widened. She hadn't even thought that he might jump in, if for no other reason that that his father had promised dire consequences.

"I mean my grandson no harm, Rowena. Please leave us alone," Chuck said. This time, it was more of a demand than a request.

Rowena nodded reluctantly.

"Why are you here?" Jack asked once Rowena was gone.

"I came to meet you. I've wanted to meet you for a while now. I would've come sooner, but well, I think we both know it wouldn't have ended very well," Chuck said.

"My father would've been angry. He will still be angry when he finds out you came. He doesn't like you," Jack said.

Chuck nodded. "I decided it would be best to avoid a fight the first time you and I met."

"So, you've been around the whole time? You know what's been going on. Why didn't you help us?" Jack asked.

"That business with the being posing as my son was Samael's problem. He needed to fix it," Chuck said.

"He hates that name," Jack said. He let Michael call him that because it bothered Michael to call him 'Lucifer', but he was the only one allowed.

"But it's his. Lucifer has never been his name," Chuck said firmly. He called the being impersonating him Lucifer, but that was because he knew it wasn't his son. His son was Samael. Period. "Anyway, as I said, it was his issue, not mine. For that matter, I don't see why I should involve myself in every little problem. That's why there are people like the Winchesters in the world."

"But you're God. You created everything. Doesn't that make it your responsibility to fix it?" Jack asked.

"People have Free Will, Jack. If they use it to make the world worse, why should I have to clean it up?" Chuck asked.

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