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The next morning, Gabriel made his way to the kitchen. He found Lucifer there with Jack, Castiel, and Dean, who looked like he most likely spent the night on a bottle. Gabriel glared momentarily at Dean before going over to his brothers and nephew.

"Morning, brother. I take it you didn't sleep well. You look like Hell," Lucifer said before pouring a cup of coffee and handing it to his younger brother. His brother's power had increased, but he was still low on Grace, which meant he still needed things such as food and sleep.

"Thanks. No, I didn't. I spent the night with Sam," Gabriel said. He'd spent the night trying to comfort Sam, and thinking of new ways to torture Dean Winchester. He hadn't slept much, and what little sleep he was able to get was plagued with dreams about Hell.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Really? You two moved much faster than I anticipated."

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant, dumbass. And what do you mean it was faster than you anticipated?"

"I believe my words were simple enough to understand," Lucifer said.

"Is Sam alright? I saw him last night as I went to my room. He looked upset?" Jack said.

"What is wrong with Sam?" Castiel wondered. He thought things would be better for Sam once he and Dean talked things out.

"Ask your bestie over there," Gabriel said with another glare in Dean's direction.

Dean clenched his hands into fists. He knew he was to blame for Sam's pain, but he didn't need to be judged by an asshole archangel. Plus, he was hungover, so that added to his temper.

"Dean, I thought you and Sam were going to talk," Castiel said.

"We did. It didn't go well," Dean said.

"Yeah, most people don't take it well when they find out they're still being judged for something that happened nearly a decade earlier," Gabriel sneered.

Lucifer shook his head. "Unfortunately, I can't say that surprises me. We're talking about a miniature Michael."

Dean looked up and glared at the Devil. "Hey! This is none of your business, so keep your damn comments to yourself!"

"Perhaps not, but I've been where Sam is. I've been judged for mistakes that weren't all mine. I find it unfortunate that he has to suffer because his brother is a sanctimonious dick. But no matter. He's better off knowing now and getting away from you. You're the one who will suffer in the long run," Lucifer said.

Sam soon made his way into the room. "Morning, everyone."

"Good morning, Sam," Castiel said.

"Hey, Sam, maybe we should try to talk some more," Dean said. He really wanted to make things right, though he didn't know how. He couldn't lie to Sam, but he didn't want him to hate him.

"I don't think there's much else to say," Sam said shortly before turning his attention to the others. "Has there been any consensus on letting Michael out of the cage?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, I must admit that you were all right. We need the bastard," Lucifer grudgingly admitted.

"He's not staying here," Dean snapped. It was bad enough that he had to put up with Lucifer, Gabriel, and sometimes even a demon there. He wasn't putting up with the leader of the angel douches.

"Dean..." Castiel started.

"No, I agree with him for once. I would rather have as little contact with him as possible, and I don't want him around Jack," Lucifer said.

Lucifer DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now