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Dean was pacing the bunker angrily. He couldn't believe they'd possibly just let the Devil go after Jack. Actually, correction, Sam and Cas let him go when Dean tried to stop him.

"Dean stop pacing and calm down," Sam said.

Dean rounded on his brother and friend. "What the hell were you two thinking? How could you let him go after Jack?"

"We couldn't stop him, Dean. Neither could you. Trying was only going to get yourself hurt," Castiel said.

"We could've tried. You said his Grace was depleted. He said the same. That means he's weaker," Dean said.

"Weaker in terms of not being almost completely invulnerable, but he's still an Archangel. It still wouldn't take him much to kill you. Not to mention that Amenadiel's power is not depleted. He's the most powerful Archangel currently around," Castiel said.

"So, we did nothing. Now, the Devil, assuming that he actually is who he says he is, has Jack. He's gonna try to turn him and use him for his power!" Dean growled.

Maze laughed from her spot at the table. "Are you crazy? Lucifer doesn't care about power. He cut half of his out for crying out loud. If he could, he'd cut off every angelic piece of him, just like he did his wings."

Castiel gaped at the demon in shock and horror. "He cut off his wings?!"

"Well, I cut them off for him," Maze said.

"If he cut off his wings, he really can't care about power," Castiel said. So much power came from an angel's wings. He couldn't understand how Lucifer could have his wings cut off. Castiel had been lost since his wings were broken. It was how he'd been so vulnerable to allowing himself to be possessed. He'd wanted a purpose again.

"Well, then what the hell does this dude want? I don't believe he has no ulterior motives, and I really don't believe his story about Free Will," Dean said.

"I'm not sure that he does want anything as far as Jack's concerned. He wasn't happy to find out that Jack is his son," Sam said.

"Unless he's lying. Look, we know how evil he is," Dean said.

"Do we? We don't know anything about this guy. We can't even trust what Cas has told us because it turns out he may have been lied to," Sam said.

"Are you saying we should trust this dude?" Dean asked in disbelief. Was his brother crazy? This was the freaking Devil. At least that was what the bastard said. Dean still wasn't positive if he believed him.

"No. I'm saying that we don't know anything about him. We have to approach the situation differently. We can't assume we know his motives. It seems we may not even know the truth about his history," Sam said.

Dean couldn't deny that his brother had a point. No matter what his name was, they didn't know what this guy was all about. "Cas, do you think he was telling the truth?"

"About being Lucifer? His Grace says he's Lucifer, but so did the other one's. However, if Lucifer poured his Grace into this being, it would. I can't think of any other explanation for why two beings would seem so similar. I think it is likely he's telling the truth about that," Castiel said.

"And his history?" Sam asked.

"Everything I know about his history comes from what I've been taught. Lucifer and Amenadiel were right. I was no more than a child when Lucifer fell. I don't actually know what happened," Castiel said. He felt like everything he'd ever been taught was being called into question. The story of Lucifer's fall had been ingrained in every angel for thousands of years. It was difficult to accept that it all might have been a lie.

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