Thirty Two

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Amenadiel appeared in the center of the bunker, where he found Sam and Gabriel were seated at the large table in the center of the room.

"Hey, bro. You've been gone a while," Gabriel said. It had been over a month since Amenadiel left to retrieve the ingredients Michael had told them about. Not that Gabriel was overly surprised. There were some very unique items on that list. It would be hard even for an archangel.

"Yes. You would be surprised how hard it is to track down those ingredients," Amenadiel said.

"Did you?" Sam asked.

"Yes. I've left them to be safeguarded in Heaven. How has everything been here?" Amenadiel asked. He had to admit, he worried about being gone so long with so much tension going on, especially between Michael and Lucifer. Well, Lucifer was tense anyway. Michael was mostly oblivious, which likely juts pissed Lucifer off more.

"No one's dead. I think that's the best you can ask for right now," Gabriel said.

Amenadiel nodded. "How is Michael doing?"

"Still mostly crazy. The doc's been talking to him, but it doesn't seem to be doing much," Gabriel said. He wasn't too surprised by that. A human psychiatrist wouldn't even know where to begin to heal an archangel's mind.

"Oh, actually, she's asked to speak with you, Amenadiel. She wanted you to call her as soon as you got back," Sam said.

"Alright. Would you assist me with your computer, Sam? I haven't a clue how to use that contraption," Amenadiel said.

"Of course," Sam said before standing up and leading the way out of the room.


"Hello, Linda," Amenadiel said as he sat in the library in front of the computer.

"Amenadiel I'm glad you called," Linda said.

"Yes, I was told you needed to speak to me. It isn't a bad time, is it?" Amenadiel asked.

"No. Thankfully my last patient cancelled. I've been asking to talk with you for days. Everyone says you've been gone," Linda said.

"I have. I had some things I needed to retrieve. It took a while. You could've spoken with Lucifer."

Linda chuckled. "I get the feeling that would've been a bad idea, since what I have to say concerns him."

"I can only guess it's Michael. What has he said?" Amenadiel asked.

"I can't tell you that. Michael is my patient. Telling you anything he says is a breach of confidentiality," Linda said.

"Linda, I think its safe to say that these are extenuating circumstances. You don't need to worry about losing your license or anything, I promise," Amenadiel said.

"It's a matter of ethics, Amenadiel. Without telling you anything he's said, I can tell you that I am more sure than ever that his break began with whatever role he played in what happened to Lucifer. I also believe that he's close to remembering what happened himself."

"Okay. What do you need me to do?" Amenadiel asked.

Linda sighed. This wasn't going to be easy, and she knew it. "I think that Lucifer is the key to helping Michael. Now, I've tried to get him to speak with Michael about what happened, but he refuses."

"Yes, I can imagine. It's in Lucifer's best interests for Michael to come out of this, but he's not going to take an active role in making it happen. That means making himself vulnerable," Amenadiel said.

"Amenadiel, this needs to happen. Michael and Lucifer have to deal with each other. They both need to face what destroyed their relationship," she said.

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