Twenty Five

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Sam walked into the library and found Lucifer at his usual spot at the piano. Sam had just gotten back from going grocery shopping, and Cas had told him that Lucifer wanted to see him when he returned. "Hey, Lucifer. Cas gave me your message."

Lucifer stopped playing and stepped away from the piano. He went over to a nearby table, where a bottle of Scotch and two glasses sat. "Do you drink Scotch?"

Sam found himself a bit nervous. This meeting was clearly thought through, and it clearly was a serious one. "Not really. Beer and vodka are usually what I go for, and Vodka is rare."

"I prefer Scotch. It's more upscale. Of course, vodka will do if there's nothing else," Lucifer said as he poured two glasses.

"What's this about?" Sam asked nervously.

Lucifer smirked and handed him a drink. "No need to be nervous, Sam. Well, so long as you continue to be the upstanding man I've witness over the last few weeks."

Somehow Lucifer's words didn't make him feel better. He wasn't sure why, but this felt like the beginning of a very lengthy interrogation. "What do you mean?"

"We'll get to that. First, I wanted you to know that I've spoken with Gabriel. He mentioned that he asked you to come to LA with us after alternate reality Michael is dealt with and your mother is rescued," Lucifer said.

"Look, Lucifer, it's alright. Gabriel was just trying to help, but I have no intention of forcing myself..."

Lucifer cut him off abruptly with a raise of the hand. "The request was not a surprising one. I've seen it coming for a while now, much longer than Gabriel has."

"What?" Sam asked caught off guard.

"I'm very observant, Sam. I make sure to know what is going on around me. Plus, I'd have to be incredibly stupid not to see the way your brother acts. I know from experience one can only put up with that for so long. Of course, that had very little to do with how I knew you'd be coming with us. Aside from myself and Amenadiel, no one worried about Gabriel more than you," Lucifer said.

"I don't understand what that has..."

"What do you desire, Sam?" Lucifer asked as he walked up to him. He made sure Sam was looking at him directly in the eyes.

Sam looked straight at Lucifer, and found himself compelled to answer. "I want to be with Gabriel. I want to go with him, and I want to have a normal life with him. Well, as normal as we can anyway. I don't want to hunt anymore. I want to put down roots. I want to be happy with your brother."

Lucifer nodded and took a step back. "I thought so."

Sam felt like he'd just come out of a trance. He immediately glared at Lucifer. "What the hell did you just do?"

"Forgive me. I needed to be sure," Lucifer said before taking a seat. "As for what I did, I simply urged you to tell me what you truly wanted. Bringing out a person's desire is a gift that I have."

"I've never known any other angel to do that before," Sam said.

"That's because no other angel can do it. It is unique to me. Please, sit down," Lucifer said, though his voice made it very clear that it wasn't really a request.

Sam felt nervous again as he did as the archangel asked. The tone of voice Lucifer used made him shiver a little. It felt like an interrogation again. It felt almost like his first date. The girl's father had interrogated him for almost an hour. That's what this felt like, only worse because he was being interrogated by the actual Devil. Lucifer might be more mellow than the thing that had impersonated him, and even most other angels, but there was no doubt in Sam's mind that he could still be lethal.

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