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Sam walked into the library a few hours later, all ready to go when the time came. The others were there too, with Maze added to the group. "Any word from Amenadiel?"

"Not yet. I suppose we just have to wait for the bloody thing to make its move on another angel. Father knows I hate waiting," Lucifer grumbled.

Sam looked over at Jack, who had a very sour look on his face. "Are you alright, Jack?"

"He's fine. He is sulking because I will not allow him to come with us," Lucifer said matter-of-factly.

"I'm not sulking," Jack grumbled. It wasn't fair. He should be able to go. He could help. His powers might be able to stop being that was trying to claim his father's identity.

"Of course not," Lucifer said with an eye roll.

"Damn, you're getting into this 'daddy' thing, aren't you? Whoever would've thought you'd be paternal," Maze said with a laugh.

"Jack, your father's right. It's too dangerous," Sam said.

"But you get to go. You have no powers at all. You're the one who would be useless in a fight. You should be the one that has to stay," Jack said angrily. He regretted his words mere seconds after they came out of his mouth. Sam had been the first friend he'd had here. He'd given him a chance when Dean just wanted to kill him. It just wasn't fair that he didn't get to go and help.

"Jack! Apologise! Then you're to wait in your bedroom until I return!" Lucifer said sternly.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean it," Jack said genuinely before getting up and leaving the room.

"Damn. Kid's pissed," Gabriel said.

Lucifer sighed. He didn't like how upset Jack was, nor that he had to punish him. This was the first time Lucifer had had a problem with him since they met. He hated it. He didn't like being the stern, unfun parent, but he couldn't allow Jack's life to be put in danger, nor for him to be disrespectful to someone who didn't deserve it.

"This is probably our fault. We let him help us, and we probably shouldn't have," Sam said.

"Don't judge yourself for that. No, he shouldn't have been hunting, but you had a child thrust on you. You had to make do. Plus, it probably helped that he looked much older than he is," Lucifer said.

"And you've been hunting yourself since you were like nine. It makes it a little sense that you may not see it as a big deal for someone like Jack, especially since he looks older than he is and has powers," Gabriel added.

"Nine? Hunters are idiots. Not only do they think they can take on things that could crush them like bugs while barely touching them, but they actually teach their brats to do it as well?" Maze asked in disgust.

"We've saved a lot of lives," Sam said with a glare. He had never been the biggest fan of hunting, even now, while he'd accepted it, he wished he'd had a normal life, but he understood the need for people like him. He was with Maze about the kid thing though. Kids shouldn't be taught how to hunt.

"And how much of a difference do you really think you make? You think the few monsters you get rid of makes a dent in the thousands that exist, especially when more are created every day?" Maze asked.

Sam didn't have an answer for that. It was a question he'd asked himself a lot. That was why he'd been so for shutting the gates of Hell, even at the expense of his own life. That would put a significant dent in the whole thing.

"That's enough, Maze," Lucifer said.

Just then, Amenadiel appeared. "We're ready. It's made its move."

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